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forever forward incremental (v8) and rsync

Post by florian.meier »


Is it possible to sync files with rsync if I use the forever forward incremental backup mode? I saw that veeam every day changes it file names,
so its hard for rsync to merge the vbk file. Is there an option to rename the vbk to a consistent name for forever incremental?

Or is there another option to merge files with rsync and forever forward incremental mode?

Thank you for help.
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Re: forever forward incremental (v8) and rsync

Post by Shestakov »

VBR doesn`t change names of the most restore points with forever incremental. It adds new increment and merges .vbk with the oldest .vib all other files remain untouched.
Could you specify what kind of problem you are trying to solve? In general rsync is not needed.
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Re: forever forward incremental (v8) and rsync

Post by florian.meier »

Thank you for response. I know that forward incremental forever only change the newest and oldest file.
My problem is, that rsync is transfering the vbk newly, because it gets renamed and that needs alot of time.
So on my destination i have every day a vbk more...

I know that there is a backup copy option in veeam, but the backup get firstly transfered over a storage vendor technology to
a second backup system. Now my customer like to copy the already synchronized files from the second storage to a third storage solution.,.
We cant do this with VBR, because VBR isnt seeing the second storage system which gets replicated with the first backup storage where
the repo of veeam is located.

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Re: forever forward incremental (v8) and rsync

Post by Shestakov »

I see your point now.
But by design backup file`s name refers its restore point date and anyway it`s being changed everyday.
In your case I would either add the repository to VBR console or copy to the third repo from the first one or switch from forever forward increment to basic forward increment.
The last option is not a case if we are talking about backup copy job though.
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Re: forever forward incremental (v8) and rsync

Post by florian.meier »

Ok i see..
I just had an idea with manual renaming. Will test this tomorrow
Thank you very much for help.
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Re: forever forward incremental (v8) and rsync

Post by Shestakov »

I would try, since you also need to change metadata which also contains backup names.
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