Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Full Name: Jim Millard

Endpoint RMW Display Font on Win10

Post by millardjk »

Endpoint's Recovery Media Wizard running on Windows 10 has the same font metric problems that Veeam B&R Console and other programs (like SQL Management Studio) have with high-resolution screens: some parts render as you'd expect, other parts render "overly large."

Examples: Endpoint 1.5 recovery media wizard on 1920x1200 display with 1:1 scaling

Win 8.1: Image

Win10: Image

I know from experience with SSMS and B&R Console that there is a trick to get the scaling back again ( ... e-madness/), but it requires monkeying with the application manifest file to get it right (which is starting to get annoying with the sheer number of apps I'm finding I have to fix) and while I really wish MS would just "fix it" in the .Net code, some way to enable it in the config for a given app would be appreciated.
Dima P.
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Re: Endpoint RMW Display Font on Win10

Post by Dima P. »

Hi Jim,

Indeed that’s the known issue. As far as I know that our UI team has already used some sort of a ‘hack’ to properly display the wizard’s controls but thanks for sharing the article – I’ll bring it to the internal discussions.
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