We changed the Veeam B&R Server Timezone from M.S.T. (Arizona, with no daylight savings) to E.S.T. on 3/9/2016. This set the system clock forward 2 hours.
The result of changing the timezone was that all jobs started showing a Duration of 2 hours greater than the actual replication time and the "Next Run" time shows 2 hours behind the actual start time.
When Daylight Savings took effect on 3/13 for most of the country (but not Arizona), the time difference increased to 3 hours, and so did the difference between reported and actual job Duration.
This is an open support Case # 01746608
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All Veeam B& R Jobs off bt 3 hours
John Borhek, Solutions Architect
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Re: All Veeam B& R Jobs off bt 3 hours
John, it is recommended to restart Veeam Backup Service in case of time zone changes on the backup server OS. The service gets the time zone on the start and cannot change it on-the-fly if the system settings change.
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