Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Install Veeam Endpoint on Veeam Backup Server

Post by FabioM »

This might be weird but I have a customer that needs to backup some folders he has on the physical server where Veeam B&R is also installed.
He needs that backup on Disk and Tape with at least 15 restore points (15 days).
FileCopy and File to Tape is not an option because those features don't allow for several recovery points.

Copying those folders into a VM it's also not an option due to clients internal rules.

I was wondering if I might install Veeam Endpoint on the physical server that has does folders and Veeam B&R installed, configure Endpoint to backup those folders unsing a 15 restore points policy and assigning the Veeam Sever (itself) as a Target and in the Veeam B&R console configure Backup To Tape of those jobs.

This way I would have my 15 restore points for those folders and the ability to backup to tape.

I've installed in my lab a VM with W2012R2, Veeam B&R 9 and Veeam Endpoint and i'm doing Endpoint backups of folders. So far so good. No problems found yet.
Didn't manage to do the Tape Backup since i don't have a tape but I'm going to install a StoreOnceVSA and try to assign it as VTL to see if it works.

I know Endpoint as no support but this is the only design I came out with to solve this problem without using 3rd party software.

Have anyone tested this scenario? Any known issues? Problems? Suggestions?
Dima P.
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Re: Install Veeam Endpoint on Veeam Backup Server

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Fábio,
I might install Veeam Endpoint on the physical server that has does folders and Veeam B&R installed
Such setup is supported.
I know Endpoint as no support
Not true – we have a ‘best offer’ support but basically we review every single case that we receive :wink:
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Install Veeam Endpoint on Veeam Backup Server

Post by Vitaliy S. »

On a side note, there are plans to offer paid support option for VEB down the road > Proper support offering?
Veeam ProPartner
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Re: Install Veeam Endpoint on Veeam Backup Server

Post by FabioM »

Thanks Dima and Vitaliy.
As I said, Veeam Endpoint is installed on my lab Veeam Server backing up a specific folder on that same server (already have several backups for testing).
I've been able to start configuration a Backup To Tape on Veeam Server Console of that Endpoint Job and I assume (if i had a tape :D ) that it would work just fine.
Veeam ProPartner
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Re: Install Veeam Endpoint on Veeam Backup Server

Post by FabioM » 1 person likes this post

Update: Installed StarWinds VTL to emulate a Tape Library and everything is working just fine.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Install Veeam Endpoint on Veeam Backup Server

Post by Vitaliy S. » 1 person likes this post

Perfect, thanks for updating this topic.
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