Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Full Name: Roger Dufour

Replication Query

Post by rogerdu »

I'm not 100% sure that this makes sense, but its a potential customer situation...

Production Site: 14 VMs 1.5 TB data

DR site: 4 VMs 600 GB data

The idea is to replicate Prod to DR and DR to Prod sites for redundancy/recoverability. What about replicating to the same site (ie. Prod to Prod and DR to DR) as well as the regular (Prod to DR and DR to Prod)? The customer is considering this as a methodology of having some measure of HA or local fall back. Does this even make sense (I'm thinking not) even if B&R 9 CAN do it, this would only really safeguard against a Storage Failure...


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Re: Replication Query

Post by PTide »

What about replicating to the same site (ie. Prod to Prod and DR to DR) as well as the regular (Prod to DR and DR to Prod)? The customer is considering this as a methodology of having some measure of HA or local fall back.
Having local replica is not quite the same as having a HA solution, those two are different things.
Does this even make sense (I'm thinking not) even if B&R 9 CAN do it, this would only really safeguard against a Storage Failure...
I think that usage of an Instant-Recovery from local backup with subsequent finalization, if needed, makes more sense. On the other hand, if the customer has another spare host and some storage space, why not, however that would still be an overkill.

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