Does anyone know the dependencies for Server.x64.msi?
I worked on this two weeks ago and then put it aside due to frustration. Silent install documentation online is not for current version with the new front-end menu system. Things are a little murky now since I waited.
I've got a script that runs things in this order:
extract ISO
install VeeamBackupCatalog64.msi
install SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe
install SQLSysClrTypes.msi
install SharedManagementObjects.msi
install Server.x64.msi <- fails due to a dependency but log doesn't say what the dependency is
install VeeamExplorerForActiveDirectory.msi
install VeeamExplorerForExchange.msi
install VeeamExplorerForSharePoint.msi
install VeeamExplorerForSQL.msi
install Shell.x64.msi
p.s. I had Visual C 2010 Redistributable and .NET 4.5.2 already installed. (I think both are needed.)
Hi William, please check whether all the system requirements in terms of installed software are met. Talking about documentation, have you checked this description?
foggy wrote:Hi William, please check whether all the system requirements in terms of installed software are met. Talking about documentation, have you checked this description?
Yes. System requirements are met. Installed software is met (and pretty much mentioned in the initial post). I will go over it again with a fine tooth comb to make sure.
dellock6 wrote:William, our colleague Timo Dewin has published some powershell scripts to do automated installs of VBR server, have a look here if it can be useful:
foggy wrote:Hi William, please check whether all the system requirements in terms of installed software are met. Talking about documentation, have you checked this description?
Seems I overlooked the Visual C++ 2010 redistributable requirement!