We're using VEEAM Replication jobs to move a customer into our datacenter. We have a long list of VMs to move and when the customer says VMxxx is ready, we do a planned failover of the VM.
$VMFailover = read-host "For which VM to do a planned failover?"
$VMFound = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name $VMFailover | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1
$Continue = Read-host "(YES/NO) Continue with " $vmfound.vmname " Last sync: " $vmfound.CreationTime
If( $Continue = "YES")
Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name $VMFailover | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRViReplicaFailover -Reason "Batch 2" -RunAsync -Planned -Confirm
After the failover, the customer will do the checks to see if the application is running fine and after that, I need to make the running failover permanent. I can't find a powershell command for this. In the docs I can find a way to immediately do a permanent failover, but not to make a running failover permanent. I'm not sure what the "-definite" option would do if I run this:
You are on the right track, you simple run the "Start-VBRViReplicaFailover" cmdlet again with "-Definite". Here is a sample of a script I provide to customers as a starting point when they want to script failover: