Error: Microsoft SQL server hosting the configuration database is currently unavailable. Possible reasons are heavy load, networking issue, server reboot, or hot backup. Please wait, and try again later. Error information: The DELETE statement conflicted with the SAME TABLE REFERENCE constraint "FK_OIBs_OIBs". The conflict occurred in database "VeeamBackup", table "dbo.Backup.Model.OIBs", column 'link_id'. The statement has been terminated.
Job has been stopped with failures. Name: [Backup Job SITCDBAPP], JobId: [b07d9f98-c772-460e-a7c3-e47b4a455b94] Error: Microsoft SQL server hosting the configuration database is currently unavailable. Possible reasons are heavy load, networking issue, server reboot, or hot backup. Please wait, and try again later. Error information: The DELETE statement conflicted with the SAME TABLE REFERENCE constraint "FK_OIBs_OIBs". The conflict occurred in database "VeeamBackup", table "dbo.Backup.Model.OIBs", col
Any Ideas?
I tried KB2067 but, there were no scrips running for the solution presented to act upon.
Your Veeam server may be under provisioned. You may need to look at max number of Veeam tasks vs Procs and RAM. Veeam needs something like 2GB RAM for each proc and then you need to configure the max number of tasks per proxy, repro, etc. Assume Veeam will need 1 proc per task. Tasks meaning hard drives being backed up concurrently.
But I've found that you may need to provision resources for the SQL server, in addition to the above. So, for example, if you feel like 8 procs and 16GB RAM satisfies your Veeam config, add another proc for the SQL server and a little more RAM.