Standalone backup agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris workloads on-premises or in the public cloud
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linux backup successes once, then fails until system-reboot

Post by eriktwelker »

Hi everyone,

we set up veeam agent4linux (1.0) on a physical system running Debian 8.7 (without a license, so it's the free edition).

After configuring the backup (entire machine, backup to existing veeam-repository, scheduled once a day) the backup ist started and runs successfully - but only once.

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      Time            Action                                                                                                                                                                                       Duration

      14:42:33        Job linux-srv started at 2017-04-20 14:42:33 CEST
      14:42:34        Waiting for backup infrastructure resources availability                                                                                                                                     00:00:10
      14:42:44        Preparing to backup
      14:42:51        Creating volume snapshot                                                                                                                                                                     00:00:07
      14:42:58        Starting incremental backup to [VeeamServer] veeam-reposository
      14:43:07        Backing up BIOS bootloader on /dev/sda                                                                                                                                                       00:00:01
      14:45:15        Backed up sda 55.2 GB at 44.9 MB/s                                                                                                                                                           00:20:59
      15:06:14        Backing up summary.xml                                                                                                                                                                       00:00:00
      15:06:16        Releasing snapshot                                                                                                                                                                           00:00:08
The next time(s) the backupjob is due to run (wether started manually or automatically), the backup fails with the error " action lease with same id." while creating the colume snapshot

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      Time            Action                                                                                                                                                                                       Duration

      15:09:41        Job linux-srv started at 2017-04-20 15:09:41 CEST
      15:09:43        Waiting for backup infrastructure resources availability                                                                                                                                     00:00:10
      15:09:53        Preparing to backup
      15:09:58        Creating volume snapshot                                                                                                                                                                     00:14:22
      15:24:20        Starting incremental backup to [VeeamServer] veeam-reposository
      15:24:29        [error] Failed to perform backup
      15:24:29        [error] There is no action lease with same id. LeaseId [ddea4177-749f-4650-bf6e-901ebc82c63d]
      15:24:29        [error] Failed to lock required backup files
In /var/log/veeam/veeamsvc.log we get these details:

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[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139771514971904>        | Thread started. Thread id: 139771514971904, parent id: 139772001797888, role: IThread
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139771514971904> vsnap  | Stretch snapshot data thread
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> vsnap  |           Stretch snapshot data create ok.
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> vsnap  |           CVeeamSnapDataStretchManager
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> lpbcore|         Stretch snapshot storage create ok.
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> lpbcore| WARN|Mount point [/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc] of device [binfmt_misc] is already assigned to the device [systemd-1].
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> lpbcore|       Snapshot host device: 8:1, path on device: veeamsnapdata_stretch_{0fb4355c-adcc-4a7a-8874-292771e000da}_#0
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> lpbcore|     Snapshot creation is ready to be started.
[20.04.2017 15:44:56] <139772001797888> vsnap  |     Creating snapshot.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |     Snapshot with id [0xffff88003ea9d480] has been created.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> lpbcore|     Snapshot has been created. Snapshot id: [18446612133365535872].
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> lpbcore|     Enumerating CBT indices for all devices in snapshot.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |       Obtaining disk tracking information.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         arg=0x000x7f1f34842e20
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         size=12
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         Disks under tracking: 1 devices.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         dev id: 8:1.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         snapNumber: 3.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         cbtMapSize: 537072.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> vsnap  |         GenerationId: {9eda85b9-91e8-cf79-aac7-59fe76e63a32}
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> lpbcore|       Device [8:1]. Snapshot CBT index: [3]. Generation ID [{9eda85b9-91e8-cf79-aac7-59fe76e63a32}].
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> lpbcore|     Enumerating CBT indices for all devices in snapshot. ok.
[20.04.2017 15:44:57] <139772001797888> lpbcore|   Creating machine snapshot using VeeamSnap kernel module. ok.
[20.04.2017 15:45:01] <139772001797888> lpbcore| ERR |There is no action lease with same id. LeaseId [95f0a671-917f-452a-a4d4-141a1e1399e5]
[20.04.2017 15:45:01] <139772001797888> lpbcore| >>  |--tr:Failed to execute method [0] for class [N10lpbcorelib11interaction9proxystub14CVbrClientStubE].
[20.04.2017 15:45:01] <139772001797888> lpbcore| >>  |An exception was thrown from thread [139772001797888].
But, if we reboot the system - the backup will successfully run again... once.

The veeamservice.service is up and running - nonetheless, the backup fails.

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linux-srv# service veeamservice status
● veeamservice.service - LSB: Veeam Agent for Linux service daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/veeamservice)
   Active: active (running) since Do 2017-04-20 14:36:59 CEST; 51min ago
   CGroup: /system.slice/veeamservice.service
           └─548 /usr/sbin/veeamservice --daemonize --pidfile=/var/run/
Any ideas as to what may cause this strange behaviour?

Thanks and best regards,
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Re: linux backup successes once, then fails until system-reb

Post by PTide »


It looks like a known issue, please contact our support team directly to obtain a fix, and post your case ID.

Thank you
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Full Name: Erik Twelker
Location: Germany

Re: linux backup successes once, then fails until system-reb

Post by eriktwelker »

Hi PTide,

thanks for your quick answer!

Will file the case and report back...

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Joined: Oct 30, 2012 2:04 pm
Full Name: Erik Twelker
Location: Germany

Re: linux backup successes once, then fails until system-reb

Post by eriktwelker »

Support case filed:


Posts: 7
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Joined: Oct 30, 2012 2:04 pm
Full Name: Erik Twelker
Location: Germany

Re: linux backup successes once, then fails until system-reb

Post by eriktwelker »

Our problem has been fixed after applying patch.

Thanks to the VeeamSupportTeam and to PTide for the tip!

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