6/05/2017 6:19:37 PM :: Using backup proxy PRODBKP01-VM for disk Hard disk 2 [hotadd]
6/05/2017 6:19:37 PM :: Using backup proxy PRODBKP01-VM for disk Hard disk 1 [hotadd]
6/05/2017 6:22:54 PM :: Unable to hot add source disk, failing over to network mode...
6/05/2017 6:26:11 PM :: Unable to hot add source disk, failing over to network mode...
Note: The PRODBKP01-VM is the Veeam Backup & Replication VM running Win 2012 R2.
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */
Update 1 or 2 couldn't be the reason for this failover. Can you please tell us if you're able to hot add this VM manually? Did you possibly migrate source VM to the host where proxy couldn't hot add the virtual disk of that VM?
If you're doing hotadd for VMs hosted in different datacenters (compared to the proxy), then it might not work, see this existing topic. Try to install the proxy to the same datacenter as the backed up VM and see if the hotadd works or not.
So does it means I need to deploy 4x VM backup proxy in each data center so that the backup job can finish faster ?
At the moment I'm having issue with VMware CBT record missing due to VCenter rebuild.
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */
First, you need to wait till CBT gets enabled once again. After that, if hotadd mode keeps failing over to the network mode, then yes, you need to deploy virtual proxy server in each datacenter.
The proxy servers you have, the more concurrent backup jobs you can run until you hit the repository bottleneck. First run of your jobs will be full, then CBT will be leveraged.
Ok that sounds great.
So how do I know the maximum limit of my backup repo ?
Is there any way to find it out so that I can understand how many VM backup Proxy or something else ?
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */
Ok, so what about the Veeam Backup server itself ?
Do I need to deploy one Veeam Backup server on each physical Data center or I can just deploy the Veeam Backup repository only to save up the VBR license ?
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */
Head Office:
Veeam Server: HOBKP01 [Physical]
Backup Proxy: HOVBP01-VM, HOVBP02-VM and HOVBP03-VM
Backup Repository: iSCSI LUNs from QNAP NAS to hold backup copy from Site Office
VCenter Server: HOVCSA01-VM
Data Center 1:
Veeam Server: none
Backup Proxy: PROD1VBP01-VM, PROD1VBP01-VM and PROD1VBP01-VM
Backup Repository: iSCSI LUNs from QNAP NAS or maybe NFS share ? to hold backup copy from Data Center 2
VCenter Server: none
Data Center 2:
Veeam Server: none
Backup Proxy: PROD2VBP01-VM, PROD2VBP01-VM and PROD2VBP01-VM
Backup Repository: iSCSI LUNs from QNAP NAS or maybe NFS share ? to hold backup copy from Data Center 1
VCenter Server: none
Site Office:
Veeam Server: SOBKP01 [Physical]
Backup Proxy: SOVBP01-VM, SOVBP02-VM and SOVBP03-VM
Backup Repository: iSCSI LUNs from QNAP NAS to hold backup copy from Head Office
VCenter Server: SOVCSA01-VM
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */