Certain backup jobs will take up to 20 minutes per VM just to start backing up. Once backup begins speed is ok.
Errors in the task logs for a vm show errors relating to a node in a different hyper-v cluster. eg: VM1 resides on the CLUST1 cluster but has multiple errors in its task log for the CLUST2 cluster.
Errors in the task log spend about 20 minutes trying to query a cluster that the VM doesn't reside on. It starts with a [HvSnapshotTracker] info/error. It says it it closing snapshots for that job but none of the VMs in this job reside on that cluster anymore.
Have raised a case but so far it hasn't been helpful - ID# 02751988
Is there someway to stop the job from trying to close old snapshots that dont exist? or maybe clear the HvSnapshotTracker? This other cluster does exist but it only has a few nodes and is slowly being decommissioned. No VMs in this job are on the second cluster.
Code: Select all
[11.04.2018 12:01:12] <12> Info [HvSnapshotTracker] closing snapshots on Job: f319030b-e2b9-4486-a191-125b06552daa
[11.04.2018 12:01:12] <12> Info [HvSnapshotTracker] Closing snapshot id: '3785d845-e0df-4f88-827b-3bbb6c578b39' on Host: 'CLUST2NODE1'
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error [HvSnapshotTracker] Failed to close snapshot id: '3785d845-e0df-4f88-827b-3bbb6c578b39' on Host: 'CLUST2NODE1'
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error Failed to resolve host name 'CLUST2NODE1' (System.Exception)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Common.CIpAddress.ResolveConnectionPoints(String serverName)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CRemoteMachineAddress.TryGetAddressesFromName(String someNameOrIp, IPAddress[]& addresses)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CRemoteMachineAddress.GetFor(CDBHost host)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CHost.GetManagmentAddresses(CDBHost server)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.SHvUtils.CreateHvIntegrator(CHost host)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CHvSnapshotTrackerUtils.CloseSnapshot(CHvSnapshotDbInfo snapshotInfo)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error No such host is known (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at System.Net.Dns.GetAddrInfo(String name)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByName(String hostName, Boolean includeIPv6)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String hostNameOrAddress)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Common.CIpAddress.GetIpAddresses(String hostName)
[11.04.2018 12:01:14] <12> Error at Veeam.Backup.Common.CIpAddress.ResolveConnectionPoints(String serverName)