Ticket 03057282
- Production jobs pointed at hosts via vCenter
- Tagging used to exempt specific VMs
Problem scenario:
- Copy job included same tags to exempt VMs
- Result: Non-descriptive error message:
Code: Select all
Job started...
New copy interval started
Building VMs list (failed)
Error: One or more errors occurred.
Job finished with error at...
I gave Veeam logs twice. After a week, I called and requested escalation. The engineer asked if he could take a peak first. I humored him. He found a query failure issue in the that related to tags. That caused us to focus in on the tasks specifically. Logic explained to us that the copy job was unable to resolve tagging because the source was the backup job data, not the hosts/vCenter. This is fine, but the user-facing error message should indicate something to this affect, hence the subject: Design flaw or at least feature request