Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Configuration Question - 1 Tape per Day for Mon-Fri

Post by Poweruser »

Nevertheless Veeam provides so many Help files, it is still confusing about Tape Media Sets/Pools.

I have 2 Media Pools:

1. Pool includes 5 Tapes, 1 Monday, 2 Tue, 3 Wed, ... 5 Fri. (running weekdays, want to produce full backup per tape and day)
2. Pool includes 3 Tapes, A+B+C (running manually, want to produce full backup per tape on day x)
I configured 1. Pool for retention of 6 Days and 2. Pool for retention of 1 month. (write protected for a period before reuse)

Now the Job says i got 5 Tapes and freespace is 5*TapeCapacity which is not wanted.
How can i tell B&R to do it right? to overwrite tapes every week. (maybe it can append until all free space is gone and overwrite later, that would be okay too)
(i dont want to do things manually, just change the tape every weekday and software should do the rest)
Dima P.
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Re: Configuration Question - 1 Tape per Day for Mon-Fri

Post by Dima P. »


1.If you want one job run to consume one tape (or several tapes if backups files are larger than one tape) and mark this tape not ‘appendable’ upon tape job completion – change the media set creation option to ‘Create new media set for every backup section’ in the Media Pool properties.

2.Retention is set per tape media and not backup files. When retention is configured tape can be overwritten only after retention is expired. For other retention options please refer to this Help Center article.
Back to your questions.
How can i tell B&R to do it right? to overwrite tapes every week. (maybe it can append until all free space is gone and overwrite later, that would be okay too)
Choose the proper retention value for target media pool (or you can even try cyclically overwrite tapes option) and enable create media set per backup section (to keep one day of backups per tape). In such case you last tape should be cyclically expired and overwritten by tape job.
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Re: Configuration Question - 1 Tape per Day for Mon-Fri

Post by Poweruser »

So i already have a retention for 6 Days which should lock them.
But append seems to be allowed. anyway appending is not that critical but unwanted.
So i advice the job to create a new mediaset after each job.
i let the #number .. untouched.
that should work?
how do i know that an other job wont write to that mediaset? and what if i want to write two jobs on one tape in one night?
Dima P.
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Re: Configuration Question - 1 Tape per Day for Mon-Fri

Post by Dima P. »

So i already have a retention for 6 Days which should lock them.
That's a retention value (after this time tape media can be erased automatically whenever new tape is required for tape job).
But append seems to be allowed. anyway appending is not that critical but unwanted.
So i advice the job to create a new mediaset after each job.
i let the #number .. untouched.
that should work?
Looks good.
how do i know that an other job wont write to that mediaset?
Once backup job is completed the media set is closed and cannot be used by backup jobs (unless the tape is marked as free and can be reused again).
and what if i want to write two jobs on one tape in one night?
Next job will take the next free tape.
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Re: Configuration Question - 1 Tape per Day for Mon-Fri

Post by Poweruser »

thats how it was designed.
but if i do a file to tape backup job before the next mediaset cycle occurs i can do the backup to tape job later.
so i can write 2 jobs on the same tape. at 6 o clock the mediaset is changed.

so as i tested it seeams you can write as many jobs to one tape as long as the old mediaset is still valid.
its not locked per job basis.
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