- Removed From Disk All Cloud Connect Data
- Cleaned up client's server
- Ran a new Active Full on local BDR
Cloud Connect has no data...that is correct.
Locally I have restore points dating back to Nov 3 with an Active full run on the first Saturday of each month. And I manually ran an AF last night after the cleanup.
So what I have is: .VBK (Nov 3)...vib...vib...etc....VBK (Dec 1)...vib...vib...etc...VBK (Dec 8th).
Here is my question...
BCJ is currently copying data to CC. Only 3% done after 10 hours or so. Is it going to copy RPs from Nov 3, or only from the last Active Full from last night (Dec 8th)?...which all I want in CC is Dec 8th and forward.
If it is going to copy all of the history, I will have remove the restore points previous to Dec 8th and restart the BCJ.
Appreciate any feedback on this issue.