Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Agent for Windows with Backup Server and Cloud Repo.

Post by isolated_1 »

We're a service provider and am beginning to test our Veeam Cloud Connect setup along with Veeam Agent for Windows.

Is it possible to have Veeam agent for Windows be managed by a Backup and Replication server but stored in a Cloud Repository? The problem I'm having is when I'm configuring the agent and choosing the 'Destination' as Backup Repository, it doesn't list the Cloud Repository I've configured on the backup server. It just doesn't show up in the list. The licenses should be correct as I applied for Veeam trial licenses. I've read about Access Permissions on a repository but when I right-click on the cloud repository on the backup server, it's greyed out.

I've verified that our infrastructure works because I have successfully backed up a workstation to the cloud repo. However, I noticed that the only way to restore files would be within the Windows OS itself. I want the client/tenant to be able to utilize their own on-prem Veeam backup server to manage the agents but having them stored in our cloud repository instead.
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Re: Agent for Windows with Backup Server and Cloud Repo.

Post by anthonyspiteri79 »

Hey there Simon. What you are seeing is expected behaviour. Veeam Availability Console is what you are after in order to manage VAW as a VCSP. VAC allows the configuration of Cloud Connect as a destination.

VAC is free for our VCSPs, so if you are not yet looking into deploying's worth taking a look at what is required. The good news is that you are half way there in terms of you already setting up Cloud Connect.
Anthony Spiteri
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Full Name: Simon Chan

Re: Agent for Windows with Backup Server and Cloud Repo.

Post by isolated_1 »

Hi Anthony,

I actually do have VAC installed and deployed. I'm testing this from both a SP and Tenant/Client perspective.

I have managed to get the VAW downloaded, installed and backed up to a Cloud Repository from the VAC without any issues. But I'm still confused about somethings such as:

1. As a Tenant, how am I allowed to restore files on a machines without having to go within the guest OS itself for each machine and opening the VAW agent console? We may have clients that do not want to install any Veeam architecture components in their on-prem infrastructure and I'm not seeing a way to do this within the VAC itself. I also understand that from a SP perspective, although we host the backup files for the tenant, the jobs for these VAW do not get registered in our B&R console and that the SP do not initiate guest restores.

2. Let's say the Tenant have their own B&R infrastructure on-prem and they want each VAW to be registered/managed in their own on-prem. This allows them to perform VAW restores centrally without having to go directly to the VAW machine. The part I'm trying to figure out is how to acheive this but have the VAW backups stored in a cloud repository instead of storage on-prem. The VAW configuration allows me to register the VAW with the on-prem B&R server but not use a cloud repo it has access to. If I choose the Cloud Repository option in the VAW configuration, I'm not allowed to register the agent with the B&R server.

I've been digging through the Veeam user guides this entire Saturday but couldn't find a way to acheive what I want so i'm looking to see if these scenarios are even possible at the moment.

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