Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Joined: Mar 04, 2019 4:41 pm
Full Name: Alojz Cuk

Feature Request: Breaking up Orgs

Post by alojzije »


It would be cool to see jobs that are large, to have the option to create sub jobs. So if an org in vCloud Director for example is large, there should be an option to break up the job in how many jobs you want, then Veeam would balance the jobs in size to the amount of sub-jobs you have asked for. This way, when doing the remote offsite copy, the jobs wont go past the copy interval of 24 hours (if you have your remote job set to daily), and you can still create one job (the org that you choose) so it can still add and remove VMs without creating extra scripts outside of Veeam to make this work.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Feature Request: Breaking up Orgs

Post by Polina »

Hi Alojz and welcome to the community!

I moved your post to the Veeam Backup & Replication forums, as they're the best fit for this topic.
What you would like to see is some sort of intelligent load balancing inside a single backup job, isn't it? The idea is exciting and your FR is well noted, but most likely this will be a bit of a challenge to implement.
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