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Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by Tjenkins92 »

Our current set up uses incrimental backups 6 days of the week and 1 full backup on Saturday. The backups a put on a NAS. lately we have been having network troubles and almost every Saturday everything goes offline and the backup gets disrupted, they do however runs for like 4-5 hours before the network drops out and the job fails. During our latest backup (incrimental last night) we got a warning about low space. When I looked in the backup folder on our NAS there were tons of massive backup files (all at least a couple hundred GB some even at 500GB) dating back to 2017 onwards. Does Veeam just keep copies of those few hours the backup was running before the failure and doesn't delete them because the backup never finished? Also is it safe to delete these backup files as it will give us a couple TB free space.

This is how far back these massive backup files go (obviously the backups keep going to the current date but it's these old ones that are confusing me as to why they are there and if they are safe to remove.

This is what the backup retention settings are
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Re: Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by foggy » 1 person likes this post

You can remove the old ones provided now you job does complete successfully and retention works normally.
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Re: Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by DGrinev » 1 person likes this post

Hi Tjenkins and welcome to the Veeam community!

Anyway, it's worth contacting the support team and let them take a closer look, our engineers will assist you and provide details on why it had happened.

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Re: Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by Tjenkins92 »

Okay good to know I can remove the old ones but the question still remains. When a backup job fails does it still dump an incomplete bakcup file into the folder? Like the 17/3/2019 for example i have a 700GB file for a server that the backup failed on. I can just go ahead and delete that right? because the backup failed so that file is probably un-useable.

Edit: Also is there a way for me to delete these files through Veeam backup and recovery 9.5 or should I just go to the folder manually and delete them? I dont want to accidentally delete an incrimental which is still needed.
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Re: Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by foggy » 1 person likes this post

Incomplete restore points should be deleted during the next job run - the question why this didn't happen should be investigated with the help of support.
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Re: Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by Tjenkins92 »

Okay thanks.
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Re: Too many backup copies after failed backup

Post by Tjenkins92 » 2 people like this post

Okay just incase anyone stumbles upon this thread while searchign for a similar issue. The issue was because of the cause of the backup failure (Loss of network connection) Veeam did not have access to the folder to delete it. So that is why I have a bunch of partialy completed full backups in my backup folder.
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