PowerShell script exchange
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by Mental_floss » Apr 05, 2019 4:09 pm
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I am running 9.3 U4a at a retailer with 200+ stores and I am looking to deploy Veeam with PowerShell. I have it 99% figured out except for the Linux backup job.
There is a Windows and Linux protection group at each location. When creating the Windows backup job I am able to use Add-VBRComputerBackupJob with the switches
-BackupType SelectedVolumes -SelectedVolumes "C:\","D:\" to only backup C: and D: on all VMS in that Protection Group. With the Linux VMs I only want to backup volume groups VG00 and VG01. I use the switches
-BackupType SelectedVolumes -SelectedVolumes "/dev/vg00","/dev/vg01" and the job fails with:
Code: Select all
Add-VBRComputerBackupJob : The specified computer backup job is invalid.
Job and SelectedVolumes OS platform mismatch
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-VBRComputerBackupJob -OSPlatform Linux -Type Server -Mode Managed ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-VBRComputerBackupJob], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentException,Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Cmdlets.AddVBRComputerBackupJob
Help? TIA.
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by PTide » Apr 05, 2019 6:14 pm
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While I am awaiting for some response regarding why is it not working from the team, I want to ask you a question:
Have you tried going with "-BackupType EntireComputer"?
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by jhoughes » Apr 05, 2019 7:07 pm
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Can you post your full script, or at least the full portion for the Linux agent jobs?
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by Mental_floss » Apr 19, 2019 2:50 pm
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P.Tide, yes if I create the Linux backup job with -BackupType EntireComputer the job is created and runs successfully.
jhoughes Here is the line I use to create the Linux backup job with "-BackupType EntireComputer". With this the job is created and it runs fine;
Add-VBRComputerBackupJob -OSPlatform Linux -Type Server -Mode ManagedByBackupServer -Name ($StoreNumber + "-LB") -BackupObject $LPG -BackupType EntireComputer -BackupRepository $VBRRepo -RetentionPolicy 14 -Description " " -ScheduleOptions $LBschedule -EnableSchedule
This line is where I create a backup of the Windows Protection Group to backup C: and D: only, works fine;
Add-VBRComputerBackupJob -OSPlatform Windows -Type Server -Mode ManagedByBackupServer -Name ($StoreNumber + "-WB") -BackupObject $WPG -BackupType SelectedVolumes -SelectedVolumes "C:\","D:\" -BackupRepository $VBRRepo -RetentionPolicy 14 -Description " " -ScheduleOptions $WBschedule -EnableSchedule
So what I was thinking should work to backup only VG00 and VG01 would be this;
Add-VBRComputerBackupJob -OSPlatform Linux -Type Server -Mode ManagedByBackupServer -Name ($StoreNumber + "-LB") -BackupObject $LPG -BackupType SelectedVolumes -SelectedVolumes "/dev/vg00","/dev/vg01" -BackupRepository $VBRRepo -RetentionPolicy 14 -Description " " -ScheduleOptions $LBschedule -EnableSchedule
Any attempt to use the "-BackupType SelectedVolumes" with Linux jobs gets me the OS Mismatch error. The documentation I am looking at only shows three options for -BackupType: EntireComputer, SelectedVolumes and SelectedFiles. Is Add-VBRComputerBackup the proper command to use to create a Linux agent backup job?
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by PTide » Apr 23, 2019 6:12 pm
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You should use
New-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume and do something like this:
Code: Select all
$scope = New-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume -Type Device -Path "/dev/sda"
and pass that
$scope to
For multiple devices you need to create an pass an array:
Code: Select all
-SelectedVolumes @((New-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume -Type Device -Path "/dev/sda"), (New-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume -Type Device -Path "/dev/sdb"))
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by Mental_floss » Apr 30, 2019 5:21 pm
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P.Tide, THANK YOU! That was a yuuuuuge help.
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Full Name: Jarno Arajärvi
by jarzi » Feb 16, 2020 6:14 am
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an old thread but I hit a snag trying to script a backup selecting multiple volumes.
Tried it like this
Code: Select all
$volumes = $(Read-host "Included mount points. IE. /,/home.")
Code: Select all
-BackupType SelectedVolumes -SelectedVolumes @(foreach ($element in $volumes) {new-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume -type mountpoint -path $element })
The end result was that "objects to backup" page had the mount point like this:
And that doesn't work
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov
by oleg.feoktistov » Feb 16, 2020 9:30 am
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Hi Jarno,
What is the purpose of writing it like this?
Code: Select all
$volumes = $(Read-host "Included mount points. IE. /,/home.")
And why did you specified /,/home ?
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by jarzi » Feb 17, 2020 6:00 am
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What is the purpose of writing it like this?
That allows the one running the script decide what mount points will be selected. We have lot of servers where database mount needs to be excluded and AFAIK it's impossible to exclude a mount point from full server backup.
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov
by oleg.feoktistov » Feb 18, 2020 11:42 am
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Can you, please, share the rest of the code?
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Full Name: Jarno Arajärvi
by jarzi » Feb 18, 2020 2:44 pm
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Here you go
Code: Select all
Write-host "this script will create a protection group, add server to it, create backup job and copy job and add the servers IP to the NSX firewall rule."
Write-Host "Work in progress. You need to manually adit the backup job mountpoints for Linux servers"
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
Import-Module powernsx
#Check if we have connection to backup server
$backup02 = get-VBRServer
if (!$backup02) {
$vbrcred = get-credential
Connect-VBRServer -credential $vbrcred -server backup.dom.local
# User input variables
$os = $(Read-Host "Linux | windows ?")
$protectionGroupName = $(read-host "Protection group name. This will be the job name as well")
$ips = $(Read-host "IP. x.x.x.x")
$retention = $(Read-host "Backup retention in days")
$time = $(Read-host "Schedule start time")
#Set repo
$repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -name backup02 -scaleout
if ($os -eq 'Linux'){
$volumes = $(Read-host "Included mount points. IE. /,/home.")
$destination = New-VBRComputerDestinationOptions -OSPlatform Linux -BackupRepository $repository
} else {
$destination = New-VBRComputerDestinationOptions -OSPlatform Windows -BackupRepository $repository
#Add IP to NSX ipset
$nsxip = $(Read-host "Add IP to NSX? y|n ")
if ($nsxip -eq 'y'){
$nsxcred = get-credential -credential $env:UserName
connect-nsxserver -vcenter vcenter -credential $nsxcred
get-nsxipset -Name veeam-backup-clients | Add-NsxIpSetMember -IPAddress $ips
#Static variables
$rescanPolicyType = "daily"
$rescanTime = "20:00"
$newComputers = @($ips)
$daily = New-VBRDailyOptions -Type Everyday -Period $time
$schedule = New-VBRServerScheduleOptions -Type Daily -DailyOptions $daily
$storage = New-VBRStorageOptions -CompressionLevel Optimal -StorageOptimizationType LANTarget
$notification = New-VBRNotificationOptions -EnableAdditionalNotification -AdditionalAddress servicedesk@company.com
$date = Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$description = "Job created by $env:UserName, date: $date, $retention days"
# function definition for creating protection group
function NewProtectionGroup($protectionGroupName, $newComputers, $rescanTime, $rescanPolicyType, $rescanPeriod, $rebootComputer) {
Write-Host -foreground yellow "Enter credentials for computers in protection group " $protectionGroupName
$creds = Get-Credential -message "Server admin credentials for $protectionGroupName"
$newCreds = Add-VBRCredentials -Credential $creds -Description "powershell added creds for $protectionGroupName" -Type $os
$newComputersCreds = $newComputers | ForEach { New-VBRIndividualComputerCustomCredentials -HostName $_ -Credentials $newCreds}
$newContainer = New-VBRIndividualComputerContainer -CustomCredentials $newComputersCreds
$dailyOptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -Type Everyday -Period $rescanTime
$scanSchedule = New-VBRProtectionGroupScheduleOptions -PolicyType Daily -DailyOptions $dailyOptions
$dailyOptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -Type Everyday -Period $rescanTime
$scanSchedule = New-VBRProtectionGroupScheduleOptions -PolicyType Daily -DailyOptions $dailyOptions
$deployment = New-VBRProtectionGroupDeploymentOptions -InstallAgent -UpgradeAutomatically
$protectionGroup = Add-VBRProtectionGroup -Name $protectionGroupName -Container $newContainer -ScheduleOptions $scanSchedule -DeploymentOptions $deployment
# Create protection group
if (Get-VBRProtectionGroup -Name $protectionGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Write-Host -foreground red "Protection group:" $protectionGroupName "already exists. Use another name for protection group."
} else {
NewProtectionGroup -protectionGroupName $protectionGroupName -newComputers $newComputers -rescanTime $rescanTime -rescanPolicyType $rescanPolicyType
#Define protectiongroup for install command
$object = Get-VBRProtectionGroup -Name $protectionGroupName
# Create backup job
if ($os -eq 'Linux'){
#How to define correct mountpoints? This doesn't work @(foreach ($element in $volumes) {new-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume -type mountpoint -path $element })
Add-VBRComputerBackupJob -OSPlatform Linux -Type Server -Mode ManagedByBackupServer -Name $protectionGroupName -BackupRepository $repository -BackupObject $object -BackupType SelectedVolumes -SelectedVolumes @(foreach ($element in $volumes) {new-VBRLinuxSelectedVolume -type mountpoint -path $element }) -DestinationOptions $destination -ScheduleOptions $schedule -EnableSchedule -RetentionPolicy $retention -NotificationOptions $notification -StorageOptions $storage -Description $description
$job = get-vbrbackup -name $protectionGroupName
$copydescription = "Job created by $env:UserName, date: $date"
Copy-VBRJob -job aaa-copy-template-linux -name Copy_$protectionGroupName -repository copy01 -description $copydescription
else {
Add-VBRComputerBackupJob -OSPlatform Windows -Type Server -Mode ManagedByBackupServer -Name $protectionGroupName -BackupRepository $repository -BackupObject $object -BackupType EntireComputer -DestinationOptions $destination -ScheduleOptions $schedule -EnableSchedule -RetentionPolicy $retention -NotificationOptions $notification -StorageOptions $storage -Description $description
$job = get-vbrbackup -name $protectionGroupName
$copydescription = "Job created by $env:UserName, date: $date"
Copy-VBRJob -job aaa-copy-template-windows -name Copy_$protectionGroupName -repository copy01 -description $copydescription
#Create and enable copyjob
$copyjob = get-vbrjob -Name Copy_$protectionGroupName
enable-vbrjob -Job $copyjob
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov
by oleg.feoktistov » Feb 19, 2020 1:30 pm
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You need to call split() method on $volumes variable right after value assignment with a separator specified as powershell cannot deconstruct a value of "string" type into an array of elements inside foreach loop automatically if multiple mount points chosen.
In your case, as per the Read-Host statement, "," would work as a separator:
Code: Select all
$volumes = $(Read-Host "Included mount points. IE. /,/home.")
$volumes = $volumes.split(",")
Kind regards,
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Full Name: Jarno Arajärvi
by jarzi » Feb 19, 2020 2:00 pm
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Cheers, I'll try that.
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by jarzi » Feb 19, 2020 6:14 pm
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Thanks Oleg, that worked
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