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Where has that option disappeared to???

Post by ISExpress »


We have just changed over to version 5.02 and noticed that some options when creating a job have changed.

Before we had an option when creating a job which listed 3 options:

VMware vStorage API
VMware Consolidated Backup (SAN Recommended)
Network backup.

Since the upgrade though these options have changed to:

Direct SAN access
Virtual Appliance

We used to backup 2 SQL servers using the VCB (SAN Recommended option) before but since the upgrade the SQL servers are not able to backup properly because some of the disks are virtual RDMs and because our block size is too small it fails to backup. This is since we moved it from physical to virtual compatibility mode.

What we dont understand is on the previous version we didnt get any issues. At that point though the compatibililty mode was set to physical.

Whats odd is I can stilll see the old options for a previous job which was created in the old version but creating new jobs only comes up with the new options.

Can anyone shed any light why this is happening?

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Where has that option disappeared to???

Post by Vitaliy S. »


Generally VMware vStorage API for Data Protection should be a single best choice to backup VMs hosted in vSphere environment due to multiple reasons. VCB-enabled backup and Network backup are legacy processing modes which were left but hidden for compatibility with previous versions.

If you want to enable them back, please follow the steps described in the sticky F.A.Q. topic.

As far as I remember VCB also failed to process RDMs in physical mode. If you have configured RDMs to act in virtual compatibility mode then you shouldn't have any issues with backup jobs. If you still have problems, then do contact our technical team directly for further troubleshooting.

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Re: Where has that option disappeared to???

Post by ISExpress »

Thanks for the reply...

When we run using the VCB SAN option though on a VM which is set to Physical RDM. The Veeam backup job does run successfully.

Are you saying that actually the backup whilst it says successfull isn't a good backup?

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Where has that option disappeared to???

Post by Vitaliy S. »

No, I didn't say that. What I'm saying here is that VCB most likely allows creating snapshot for VMs with pRDMs, but these disks will not be backed up anyway. If you want to make it work with vStorage API, then you should switch to virtual RDM compatibility mode.
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