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Database Requirements

Post by AlexanderDonov »


Does anyone know what the database requirements need to be as far as size (data and log).

I am trying to monitor five ESX servers, which works fine for a short time, but the database runs out of transaction log space pretty quick. I have started with a small database just to see how it works, but it look like it needs to be bigger.

Right now my database is on a SQL 2005, 2GB for data and 500MB for the transaction log. I have it set to a "simple recover mode" for now, a full backup of teh database every night and a schedule that tries to shrink the log once an hour during the day but I still run out of log space.

Are there any recomendations for the size of teh database per ESX server you want to monitor?

Thanks in Advace
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Post by Gostev »

Germano, please let me know the approx. number of VMs you have.
I will reply to you tomorrow (will need some time to find the sizing document I had).

Post by AlexanderDonov »

I have 30 VM's all together.
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Post by Gostev »

Hello Germano, for you environment Veeam Monitor database should grow to around 1.5GB to 2GB in size in a year.

Post by AlexanderDonov »

Thanks, but what about the size of the transaction log file?

I have it at 500MB and recovery mode set to simple, but I keep running ouit of log space in a fairly short time, which does not make much sense.

Is there an option to purge old stats, suc as anything older than 6 months or even a year.

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Post by Gostev »

Germano, please run the following command on your Monitor server and send the output to - and we will be able to advice you on transaction log.

sqlcmd -S localhost\sqlexpress -Q "select name, log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc, recovery_model from [master].[sys].[databases]" > c:\out.txt 2>&1

And yes, there's ability to purge old data.

Post by AlexanderDonov »


I just ran the SQL command agains my SQL Server 2005 and sent the results to support as an excel attachment.

Thanks for the help


Post by AlexanderDonov »

It's been five days and I have not heard from anybody. Does anyone really know what the database requirements should be?
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Post by Gostev »

Germano, we had statistics/requirements data for the actual database size, but not for transaction log. As far as I understand, developers have been working to get some information for you. I have just requested an update. Sorry about this!
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Post by Gostev »

Hello Germano, our development have built a lab of 5 ESX hosts and 30 VM, and did a stress testing on it - and the transaction logs size was only 30MB. So, they are not sure why in your case it increases up to 500MB.

To address transaction log growth, you could try to set AutoShrink parameter to TRUE in Monitor SQL database settings. You could also run shring manually with the following command, but Microft does not really recommend this because it affects database performance, and our product is using the database actively.


Thank you.
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