Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Importance of "Defragment and Compact" job

Post by netwiztech »

We currently have the Veeam Agent for Microsoft windows 3.0.2 installed on a 2008 R2 server. (This is the only server onsite and is a physical server not a VM) The backup data is being written to a Buffalo NAS appliance. We have a second Buffalo NAS that was synced with the primary NAS locally then taken offsite. (The data synchronization is being done with the Buffalo utilities/services) The first backup was about 1Tb is size. The nightly backups have been about 8-12Gb in size and the syncing to the offsite NAS has taken about an hour. The first "Defragment and Compact" ran and we have now realized how it works. It rewrites the original backup file to defragment and compact the file. Because of the rewrite, that 1Tb file now wants to traverse across the internet to the secondary NAS appliance. So my question is how important is the "Defragmentation and Compact" process? What are the issues if we were not to run the Defrag/Compression job? If it is imperative that it runs, what is a recommended minimal cycle it should run on?
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Re: Importance of "Defragment and Compact" job

Post by HannesK »

over time the backup file gets bit bigger than necessary and the restore / backup process can be slower. ... aintenance - it's the same for the agent.

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Re: Importance of "Defragment and Compact" job

Post by netwiztech »

Is there a way to manually run it every 4-6 months?
(or do I just have to adjust the schedule?)
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: Importance of "Defragment and Compact" job

Post by Egor Yakovlev »


There is no way to trigger Defrag\Compress directly, but you can easily feed a powershell script to Windows Scheduler to alter job settings every X months for that to happen, than alter it back day after.
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