We are new at implementing Veeam BR at our companie.
Due to the fact we have many windows domains and a lot of machines without domain membership we have the need maintain a quite big credential store in VBR. As we don't do this manually and we have an password vault (Secret Server from Thycotic), I'm working on a script which keeps the Veeam credstore sync with Secret Server which has da ability to remote manage/change passwords on any of our VMs. (By our company policy it's not allowed have never expiring passwords. Specially for administrativ users)
ATM I'm struggling around with the 2 cmdlets Add-VBRCredentials and Set-VBRCredentials. To create a new credential is no problem. But I have no idea how to edit an existing one in case the password has changed. As I've read in documentation I should use Set-VBRCredentials for this use case.
But IMHO Add-VBRCredentials and Set-VBRCredentials are doing nearly the same.
I don't know how this cmdlet want's to know which credential im want to change. I cant define an ID or search criteria. My first trial was to pipeline it with
Code: Select all
get-VBRCredentials -Name <loginname> | set-VBRCredentials -Credential $PSCredentialObjectFromSecretServer->not Working
get-VBRCredentials | where { <where clause> } | set-VBRCredentials -Credential $PSCredentialObjectFromSecretServer -> nope!
Code: Select all
set-VBRCredentials -Credential $PSCredentialObjectFromSecretServer
Does anyone of you have any ideas
Here my unfinished function:
My script should only update secrets where description field looks like this:
Code: Select all
function Update-VeeamCredFromSecretServer {
Update existing Veeam credential from Secret Server
Update existing Veeam credential from Secret Server
A description of the SecretIDs parameter.
.PARAMETER ConnectionObject
A description of the ConnectionObject parameter.
PS C:\> Update-VeeamCredFromSecretServer
Additional information about the function.
[string]$VeeamMGMTSrv = '...hidden...',
[string]$DescriptionPrefix = 'SecretID',
if (!($ConnectionObject)) {
$ConnectionObject = Connect-POISecretServer
if (-not ($ConnectionObject)) {
return Write-StatusLog -8778 "-Unable to connect to SecretServer!" -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false
if (!(Connect-POIVeeamMGTMServer -VeeamMGMTSrv $VeeamMGMTSrv).OK) {
return Write-StatusLog -8778 "-Script aborted, unable to connect to '$VeeamMGMTSrv'" -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false
try {
$VeeamCreds = Get-VBRCredentials -ErrorAction Stop | where {$_.Description -like "$($DescriptionPrefix):*"}
} catch {
return Write-StatusLog -8778 "-Unable to fetch credentials list from Veeam for automatical update , Last exception:`r`n'$($_.Exception)`r`n$($_.CategoryInfo)'" -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false -ObjInput $_
if (![bool]$SecretIDs) {
try {
[int[]]$SecretIDs = (($VeeamCreds.Description).split(":")) | where {
$_ -ne $($DescriptionPrefix)
} catch {
return Write-StatusLog -8778 "-Unable to fetch credentials list from Veeam for automatical update , Last exception:`r`n'$($_.Exception)`r`n$($_.CategoryInfo)'" -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false -ObjInput $_
if (![bool]$SecretIDs) {
return Write-StatusLog 0 "No SecretID given and no Veeam credential found for automatical update." -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$true
foreach ($SecredIDNow in $SecretIDs) {
$Crednow = $VeeamCreds | where {
$_.Description -like "$($DescriptionPrefix):$($SecredIDNow)"
if (!$force.IsPresent) {
$SecretLastChange = Get-POISecretAudit -ConnectionObject $ConnectionObject -SecretID $SecredIDNow -FilterAction GetLatestChange | select -ExpandProperty DateRecorded
$CredLastChange = $Crednow | select -ExpandProperty ChangeTimeLocal
if (!($SecretLastChange -gt $CredLastChange)) {
Write-StatusLog 8771 "+Credential with ID '$SecredIDNow' is already current. No update needed. " -Autocolor
$Secret = Get-POISecret -ID $SecredIDNow -ConnectionObject $ConnectionObject
if (!$Secret.OK) {
Write-StatusLog -8778 "-Unable to fetch secret with ID '$SecredIDNow' from Secret Server. , Last exception:`r`n'$($_.Exception)`r`n$($_.CategoryInfo)'" -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false -ObjInput $_
try {
Set-VBRCredentials -Credential $Secret.obj.Credential -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
return Write-StatusLog -8778 "-Error while updating credential with ID '$SecredIDNow', Last exception:`r`n'$($_.Exception)`r`n$($_.CategoryInfo)'" -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false -ObjInput $_
return Write-StatusLog 0 "Credential '$($Crednow.Name)' updated sucessfully." -ObjectLogging -ObjIsOK:$false