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Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »

I really like Veeam backup and I can tell you it has saved my world several times. :-)

We use Symantec backup Exec 12.5 and System Restore 8.5 and Veeam Backup 3.x to backup our systems.

On my feature wish list:

1. Select job number 1 and 2 and 4 and 7 , and create a Backup Group (use groups to define diffrent backup policys) , to be flexible when creating backup jobs / policies

2. Select job number 1 and 2 and 4 and 7, (Shift / Crtl select) delete and change properties, retry jobs etc.

2. F2 to rename jobs.

3. Create linked backup jobs, first run backup job 1 and after it completes, run the next job (Maybe this can be done with “post job) but maybe not that easy to manage.

4. Selecting the resource pool or folder when creating a backup job through the VC.

5. Decide how many jobs that can run simultaneous and how much bandwidth it can utilize,, to fine tune the performance and bandwidth used.

6. Export out job definitions, to be imported in a different setup.

Best Regards Matz
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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by alexr »


- Backup VMs in the order specified in job definition. Allow to reordering of VMs in job definition
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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Gostev »

Hello Matz, and thanks for the feedback.

A few comments/questions:
1. Why do you need backup groups, and what operations would you like to be able to perform on them?
2. Since every job will have different settings, how do you envision unmatching settings represented when opening 4 jobs with different settings for editing in the same dialog?
3. Yes, we have customers that are already doing it the way you have described.
4. You can select folders in 3.0, just change the view (small mode button above the control where you browse your infrastructure).
5. OK
6. Configuration SQL database backup/restore would allow to achieve the same thing?

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »

Hi Gostev.

I try to explain a bit more what I do mean:

- EX/ divide the backup jobs, in different criteria’s, server that needs to be backup
- Several times each day / each day / once a week. ( Servers writing critical data and servers just being a function ( ex/ WEBsrv ).
- Easier to see and mange if I could put them in container and groups.
- And If I could select a group of BkpJobs and run them.

- True, I did mean to do steps on several jobs, ex change the compression settings or retry / delete /
- failed jobs.
- Customize the details view,

- How, scripted / post commands?
- Would be great to be able to contol the flow, backup system A , wait for 10min and then go to step B.

- Did mean when you are creating jobs and would like to select a specific resource pool,
- or folder with some VM’s
- Not selecting the Host/DC's/ or invidual VM’s


- Easier if I could export out from there tool, not doing it on the SQL srv.
- Would be great for making som kind of documentation also, if I could export out the setup.
- Backup matrix and how / when it’s done.
( that was a new request of function :-) )
- Export out the Backup jobs and resources used in a documentation perspective.
- Viso drawing / PDF / Word

Thanks, for your quick feedback
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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Gostev »

3. Yes, you can get command line from summary on the last step of the wizard, and supply it as the "post-job script" of the "parent" job.
4. Yes, when creating jobs you have an option to switch to folders view and add folders to the backup job.

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »

3. but how do you create a flow, wait state , ex/ 10min and .

Command line - from the last page? I only get the summary?

4. I do not follow?
- Creating a backup job - selecting VM's - I see the DC or the VC or the ESX's.
- Expanding them I see the actual VM's, not resource pools or folders?

Sorry Gostev, but what am I missing here?

Maybe you can send me a screenshot?

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Gostev »

Matz, I will try to explain in more details.

3. Last step of the wizard (where you click Finish) has the Summary pane with all job settings represented in textual form. Among them, there will be "Command line" setting with actual command line that you can use to run the job.

If you put the command line in the BAT file, you should also be able to add wait state and other things to it. Flow (or chaining) can be created by simply putting the command line (or BAT file with it) to start the next job in the post-job command of previous job.

4. Yes, on the step you are talking about, there are 2 small icons above the control that you use to browse your infrastructure, expand VC etc. (you can't miss those buttons, they are just above the actual control). These 2 buttons toggle view modes. Default view is infrastructure view, and another view shows VMs and folders.
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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »

3. this is what I do get at the summary page?
Name: B_16_MMX111SAPP1-FxHWin
Type: Backup
Target host:
Destination: "/mnt/data/veeambkp/esx02/MMX111SAPP1/MMX111SAPP1.vbk"
You mean I can use this? - that goinhg to run the backup job as defined ?
Command line: "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Veeam Backup and FastSCP\VeeamManager.exe" backup 27254eaf-4c25-43c6-bfe4-9cdcc33d4411

4. I know where to look, but:

Left one:
- View Hosts and Clusters

Right ONe:
View Virtual Machines and Templates

I can not get for EX/ resouce pools ?

I can select the DC.

Please send me a screenshot of what you are referaing to

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Gostev »

3. That is correct!

4. Yes, that's the control I am talking about. I did not say it allows to select resource pools - we do not have such capability. But it does allow is selecting VM folders. We found that a lot of customers prefer to organize their backup jobs based on VM folders.

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by holografique »

I'd like to add 2 more:

1. ability to manage multiple Veeam servers from a single management interface (particularly when scaling out multiple VCB/Veeam servers in large environments).

2. when creating a network backup job, and you want to use a backup disk target that is mounted directly to each ESX host (e.g. NFS storage array/de-dup device), you choose that path individually per job by choosing the host and the datastore path. the problem with this is that the backup target for these specific VM's in the job are tied to a specific host. If those VM's were to vmotion to another host, you now end up with VM's being read from one host, but backed up to an NFS share on another host. somehow there needs to be a way that when using network backup & using a target that is connected to a host, that the job forces a VM to always be backed up to the target of the host it is running on and never to another target on a different host.

I hope I made sense with #2 :)

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »

Oki, I do understand now:
But if you do not got a folder under Hosts and Clusters (smaller sites)
Would be great to have the abillity to select further down in the structure.
To group them into containers - EX/ Resource pool - Production (backed up every day)

Structure organized this way:

- VC
- - DC (DC's)
- - - Host (Hosts)
- - - - Resource Pools (many)
- - - - - VM's (a lot)

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Gostev »

Thank you all for the feedback. Of course we will not be able to deliver everything right away, but I can tell you that some of the features mentioned above are being implemented right now as we speak, and thus should make it into the next release. I am happy to see these requests posted because it means that we did a right job with the release planning. Also, it definitely helps us to prioritize other features that did not make it into the next release.

I believe that one of the main reason for Veeam Backup being #1 VMware backup solution is absolutely fantastic community we have.

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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by holografique »

thanks gostev, seeing quick responses and feedback from the company is what really makes the community :)
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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »

Thanks Gostev.

happy community - creative members - aswesome software.

Let's keep it up.

Have a nice evening.
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Re: Feature and wishlist - VeeamBackup 3.x

Post by Matz »


Some more things on my WishList:

Job Schedule

Daily at this time
- on these days
- - Days ( better if no days are selected by default? ) (minimize the clicking :-) )

Would also like to have:

1. Days one the same page "Job Schedule", not on a seperate page "Days".
- Faster preview. ( maybe even this info written on the summary page )

2. Backup once a month, like an option, for seldom/different executed jobs
- EX/ Copy / Replication jobs


Editing a job,

1. Would be great if even on the last page "Completing the Backup Job Wizard"
that it would be possible to go "Back" ( it's greyed out on this page )
- Maybe even "Next" button should be gone?

Damm, did forget:

Would like the feature if I could customize what info gets displyed on the Job "view" to get it cleaner?

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