I have found the answer, run the following commands from a powershell that has been "right click" run as administrator.
$organization = Get-VBOOrganization -Name "ThisIsTheOrganizationNameThatShowsUpUnderOrganizations"
Start-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession -LatestState -Organization $organization
$session = Get-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession
$database = Get-VEXDatabase -Session $session
Now this part has the export
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "ThisIsTheMailboxDisplayName"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\NameOfThePSTFile.pst"
I whipped up some notepad and excel magic and created the following .ps1 file (its a .bat file that you run in powershell using .\filenameyouused.ps1)
As an example, here are the contents of the .ps1 file i created
$organization = Get-VBOOrganization -Name "BlahBlahBlah.onmicrosoft.com"
Start-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession -LatestState -Organization $organization
$session = Get-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession
$database = Get-VEXDatabase -Session $session
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "AC Forms"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\AC Forms.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Accounts Payable - Email"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Accounts Payable - Email.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Accounts Receivable"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Accounts Receivable.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Admin"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Admin.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Annie Herrera"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Annie Herrera.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Angela Arme"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Angela Arme.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Anne Flam"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Anne Flam.pst"
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "Anthony Buinn"
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "E:\Office365 Backups\Full PST Export\Anthony Buinn.pst"
etc etc etc
you get the idea
Here are the links i figured it out from:
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vbo36 ... tml?ver=15
(i used example2)
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vbo36 ... tml?ver=15