I accidentally upgraded the Agent (free version) on a bare-metal Debian Linux server to v4 without realising it would break compatibility, and now I cannot back up to B&R server v9.5. I have no pressing need to upgrade to v10. I can downgrade the installed software by "apt install"-ing the previous version, but then I get errors when running veeamservice:
# systemctl status veeamservice.service
● veeamservice.service - LSB: Veeam Agent for Linux service daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/veeamservice; generated; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Tue 2020-03-31 17:09:49 EEST; 17s ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 2220 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/veeamservice stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 2229 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/veeamservice start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Mar 31 17:09:49 <hostname> systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Veeam Agent for Linux service daemon...
Mar 31 17:09:49 <hostname> veeamservice[2240]: Service started.
Mar 31 17:09:49 <hostname> veeamservice[2240]: Initializing log file [/var/log/veeam/veeamsvc.log].
Mar 31 17:09:49 <hostname> systemd[1]: Started LSB: Veeam Agent for Linux service daemon.
Mar 31 17:09:49 <hostname> veeamservice[2240]: Service has failed. no such table: ManagementModeSettings
Unable to run query.
--tr:SQLiteDbAccessor: Unable to run command [162] FindManagementModeSettingsById.
--tr:MgmtModeSettingsScope: Unable to get MgmtModeSettings by id [{c5fce1ad-a82e-4e68-862f-3ba282f00640}].
What would be a clean proper way to downgrade the Agent to v3?
My guess is that by installing the previous version (3.0) without properly deleting the current one (4.0) you basically ended up with the 3.0 running against 4.0 database.
I'd suggest to run "apt-get purge veeam veeamsnap" or "apt-get remove veeam --purge" and then install version 3.0.2 anew.
If even that won't work for you, then kindly follow Niels' advice and contact our support team directly (don't forget to post your case ID)
PTide, I was hoping to avoid purging, but I did it anyway. Now I recreated the job, but, as I suspected it would, the agent fails to perform backup because a job with this name "already exists on backup server". I would like to make my agent discover the existing backup to avoid creating a new job and reuploading all the data. Can I do that?
Update: I got as far as adding a repo and listing backups with veeamconfig backup list and veeamconfig backup info --id {<OIB ID>}. Still no idea how to make the agent inherit this backup.
The case was resolved, I hope updating for posterity isn't against the forum rules. The free version Agent cannot map a new job to an existing backup chain after reinstallation/db recreation, therefore I had to create a new job, and upload a full backup. However a licensed agent will be able to do that.
Free Agent can still restore data from the old chain, as one would expect it to.
One correction - it's not "free vs paid" it's "managed vs unmanaged". VAL can continue the existing backup chain only in case the chain has been created in "Managed by backup server mode".