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Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by paulmcnally »

Hi I'm trying to determine how long a failover was for.

The docs says
A new cloud failover session is started every time you start or undo a cloud failover plan. When the start or undo a cloud failover plan operation completes, a cloud failover session ends
If I query

Code: Select all

GET /api/cloud/failoverSessions 
it returns a record for the failover start. But when the failover is undone, there is no other record for the undo session. However, the start session is updated to "stopped"

According to this, should there be another record for the failback that I can use to get the date/time failover was stopped?

Many thanks
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Re: Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by veremin »

When the cloud failover plan starts, failover session is created, it stays open, until all child replicas within failover plan are not started. Then, it closes. This is by design behaviour.

You're right in saying that currently there is no session created for undo failover plan, we've tracked this issue and will address it in one of the next product versions.

Since failback process works more on VM-level and RESTful API at SP's end does not necessarily know what happens with individual VM at tenant's infrastructure, it's not possible to log this information in REST.

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Re: Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by paulmcnally »

Thanks for the info veremin, is there a way to track this issue?

Also, the failover session created when failover is triggered contains the failover plan name but does not contain the failover plan UID. Is there a way to definitively link the failover session to the failover plan that triggered it?

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Re: Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by paulmcnally »

So it seems querying a cloud failover plan on the VAC API v3 shows the failover plan "status", but this is not on the info returned by the backup and replication API. Is this intentional?
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Re: Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by veremin »

Those APIs are different from each other, correct. So, if VAC APIs provide the required data, you can use them instead. Thanks!
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Full Name: Paul McNally

Re: Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by paulmcnally »

The issue with the VAC endpoint is that it doesn't seem like you can filter the request to only return results for a certain tenant UID, so I'm having to write in some pagination code to get all results then filter at our end. Not ideal and not sure if it will cause issues in the future due to the number of requests that could be needed. Ultimately it would be much better if I could get the same "state" value surfaced from the Veeam API call instead of having to use the VAC API? Can you tell me if there is a way to do this? Thanks
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Full Name: Oleg Feoktistov

Re: Failover sessions not listing failbacks / How to determine duration of failover

Post by oleg.feoktistov »

Hi Paul,

As far as I see, no such data is reflected in failover plan resource representation in BEM API. I noted your request though.

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