Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Cannot Create Support: Found String where Object was expected

Post by WellMark »

When I try to open a Support ticket, It keeps giving an error on my email "Found String where Object was expected"
It's my valid email, and I've retyped it several times?

The problem I am trying to report:

Unable to Restore Computer

Need to restore a computer to another computer using Veeam Recovery Media. If I copy the backup file to USB I get error: "Unsupported VBM Format". If I point to the network Share drive, it doesn't show anything. If I point to the Veeam Backup and Replication server and Repository I get error "Backup server uses incompatible Protocol Version"

Veeam Agent for Windows

I also have paid Veeam Backup and Replication
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Re: Cannot Create Support: Found String where Object was expected

Post by HannesK »

if you stop the Veeam agent service, then you can grab all the files from C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Endpoint* and upload them to

That's how I open cases for the agent.

The forum search for "Unsupported VBM Format" gives various reasons why that could happen. So it would be interesting for support where the backups were stored (VBR repository?).

Best regards,
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