Host-based backup of Microsoft Hyper-V VMs.
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Manuel Monteiro
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Hyper-V Replication to Azure

Post by Manuel Monteiro »


Scenario: On-prem environment with some Hyper-V nodes connected to a Storage and some standalone physical Windows Server running SQL. No backups, whatsoever, running.
Output expected: Provide a local backup and replication to a public cloud like Microsoft Azure.

So, the local backup is not an issue, just consider a storage and some proxies as needed and problem solved.
But how far can I go with Veeam to replicate the VMs (Hyper-V) and physical servers to Azure? I understand that I cannot replicate directly to Azure, but can you guide me on available paths to get me as near as possible to the output expected?
Veeam Software
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Re: Hyper-V Replication to Azure

Post by PetrM » 1 person likes this post

Hi Manuel,

I believe that Restore to Microsoft Azure is exactly what you're looking for.

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