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UI Enhancement Request: Consolidate Backup Proxy with multiple types

Post by markhensler »

With the addition of CDP and NAS backup features, Veeam has added additional proxy types. Cool. I want these features, and I accept the need for additional proxy types. However, I would like to request your consideration of improving the UI for adding/managing proxies. We re-use our baremetal servers for multiple proxy types, and this creates multiple instances of the same underlying server with a different proxy type. I would like to see these collapsed into a single entry.

(In my mind, it is easier to understand a server possessing multiple "roles" than multiple "types". So, I have chosen to use the term "role" rather than "type", below.)

Suggested workflow for the wizard:
  • Server: Choose server, Proxy description
  • Roles: This page should show a table of roles (Backup, Hyper-V, VMware, VMware CDP). Each row should contain a checkbox to enable the role and a spinner to set the concurrent tasks for this role. Below the table, show a sum of the concurrent tasks. Additionally, show an alert if the sum of concurrent tasks exceeds a best-practice threshold relative to the resources available in the underlying system.
  • Hyper-V (conditional screen): Connected volumes
  • VMware (conditional screen): Transport mode, Connected datastores
  • VMware CDP (conditional screen): CDP host traffic port, CDP proxy traffic port
  • VMware CDP Cache (conditional screen): Folder, Cache size
  • Traffic Rules: no changes
  • Review: no changes
  • Apply: no changes
  • Summary: no changes
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Re: UI Enhancement Request: Consolidate Backup Proxy with multiple types

Post by Gostev »

Thanks for the feedback!

VMware + CDP is potentially combinable, although this is normally not recommended (as CDP needs much resources persistently, so having the proxy running other jobs may impact RPO). But in general it would indeed makes sense, since these are all-things-VMware.

However, I think it does not make much sense to combine Hyper-V with it since most customers use VMware OR Hyper-V. Rarely both.

Some good news: NAS + Agent backup proxies are already combined (I'm talking about V11 agent-backup from storage snapshots functionality).
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