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Full Name: Tony Strileckis

CDP storage space rule of thumb per VM

Post by anthony.strileckis » 1 person likes this post

I'm looking for some kind of guidance as to how much storage space is required per VM. I couldn't find anything in the documentation for CDP for this. We're using VBR v11

For instance, we have a VM whose disks have 1.85 TB of data. We want an RPO of 1 minute, short term retention point in time recovery within 23 hours, long term retention restore points every 24 hrs and keep for 1 day.

We've so far added a total of 5TB to the target location for this VM but CDP still fails for this VM and says "Target location is getting low on free disk space (261.8 GB left out of 5 TB)".

Is there a formula that I can use to determine how much storage space CDP will require based on the retention variables?

Thanks for any information you can provide.
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Re: CDP storage space rule of thumb per VM

Post by HannesK » 1 person likes this post

and welcome to the forums.

The required space depends on the change rate. Example:
- 1 GByte changes per minute on average
- 23h = 1380min -> 1380 GB space for the transaction logs logs

So the question is: how many changes do you have per second / minute / hour on average? In VCenter you can see some information. The "Veeam ONE VM Change Rate Estimation" report can also be helpful ... ml?ver=110

The "failed" sounds like the 5% "free space protection".

Best regards,
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