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Full Name: Randall Kender

On-Demand Sandbox Across Multiple Hosts

Post by bg.ranken »

We're trying to do an on-demand sandbox using storage snapshots and are running into issues trying to figure out how to get it to work across multiple hosts. We're trying to use the sandbox to do performance testing against a few VMs but resource wise we need to have more than one host to hold the VMs.

We created a virtual lab with the advanced multi-host networking configuration, and confirmed that the isolated network we created and isolated VLANs function between the two hosts with the configuration Veeam deployed against the DVS.

The issue is I can't figure out how to configure the SureBackup job to actually spread the VMs between the multiple hosts. In the job it just allows to select one virtual lab, but that lab seems tied to a single host. When we run the job the VMs only ever spin up on that one host.

How would we go about getting an on-demand lab to use more than one host? I know with replicas this is possible, but we need to use storage snapshots. At the moment the only way I can think of is to have the first virtual lab with the proxy appliance deployed, then a second virtual lab with no appliance with the same mapped settings, then have two SureBackup jobs, one to start the initial set of servers and proxy appliance and the second one to start another set of servers.
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Re: On-Demand Sandbox Across Multiple Hosts

Post by PetrM »

Hi Randall,

Currently, it's not possible to use more than one host, the snapshot copy is presented as a new datastore to a specific ESXi host on which the virtual lab is registered. However, why don't create just two different SureBackup jobs and run them sequentially? Basically, it should be enough for testing.

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