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Workstation with huge incremental backups - how to track source?

Post by ValiantMartian »

I'm using Veeam B&R 11a to back up Windows workstations. One workstation is 40 gb for weekly full backups. Sounds about right, but daily incremental files are ~25 GB! Incremental files for other workstations are usually < 1 GB.

Is there a quick way to track down what's generating so much change, either within Veeam or Windows?
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Re: Workstation with huge incremental backups - how to track source?

Post by Mildur »

Are you using File Backup Jobs or Volume level Backup Jobs?

If it‘s file backup jobs, if a user changes one small part of a file, veeam will backup the entire content, not only the changed data.

If it‘s a volume level backup, check for installed databases or daily exports of application data. Both could led to many changed blocks inside your machine.

I don‘t know a way in veeam to find out exactly which file was changed if using block level backup. I don‘t think there is one, because veeam sees only blocks and not a file when the backup is running.
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Re: Workstation with huge incremental backups - how to track source?

Post by ValiantMartian »

I'm using Job Mode "Server", and backup mode "File Level Backup". If it's true that changing any portion of a file will cause the whole file to backup, perhaps this is an Outlook data file or some other large file with minimal change. I'll check there. Thanks!
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: Workstation with huge incremental backups - how to track source?

Post by Egor Yakovlev » 1 person likes this post


I would start by comparing results of a changed files count within a week, from an affected machine to others without such symptoms.

Code: Select all

$AllChangedFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\" -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}
Write-Host "Changed files: " $AllChangedFiles.Count
$FileStatistics = $AllChangedFiles | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum
$AllChangedFilesTotalSizeGB = [math]::Round($FileStatistics.Sum/1GB,2)
Write-Host "Changed files total size GB: " $AllChangedFilesTotalSizeGB
Then I would add a filter by file size to find biggest objects that changed in last 7 days(100MB threshold in the example)

Code: Select all

$AllBigChangedFiles = $AllChangedFiles | ? {$_.Length/1MB -gt 100}
Write-Host "Big changed files: " $AllBigChangedFiles.Count
$BigFileStatistics = $AllBigChangedFiles | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum
$AllBigChangedFilesTotalSizeGB = [math]::Round($BigFileStatistics.Sum/1GB,2)
Write-Host "Big changed files total size GB: " $AllBigChangedFilesTotalSizeGB
That might shed some light on the objects changing...
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Re: Workstation with huge incremental backups - how to track source?

Post by Mildur »

your welcome
that changing any portion of a file will cause the whole file to backup, perhaps this is an Outlook data file or some other large file with minimal change
That could be the case :)
With File Level Backup Jobs, Veeam will always backup the entire file, if one small portion was changed since the last backup.
Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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