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FastClone on ReFS repository

Post by matteu »


Is there a way to find Fastclone is used on Windows (refs) repository ?
I don't find anything on the get-vbrbackuprepository command

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Re: FastClone on ReFS repository

Post by ronnmartin61 »

Do you mean you want to be able to detect if fast cloning is possible on the repo or if it in fact is actively being used? Assuming the latter but since this is ultimately backup job setting dependent would imagine it's not an attribute of the repository. If the "Used Space" is > "Capacity" - "Free" I think it might be a safe assumption that block cloning is active. There may be corner cases I'm not thinking of though...
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Re: FastClone on ReFS repository

Post by Gostev »

If fast clone is used, then you will see the corresponding tag next to fast-clone-able operation (like synthetic full) in the job action log.
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Re: FastClone on ReFS repository

Post by david.domask »

Hey @matteau

Try these; I use them for a script the engineers use for troubleshooting fast clone issues. You can use the first few functions to get repository info, and pass that to the last function:

Code: Select all

function Get-WindowsRepositoryInfo {
		$WinRepositoryInfo = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CWindowsRepository]::FindByRepository("$RepositoryID")
		return $WinRepositoryInfo
function Get-LinuxRepositoryInfo {
		$LinuxRepositoryInfo = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CLinuxRepository]::FindByRepository("$RepositoryID") 
		return $LinuxRepositoryInfo

function Get-CIFSRepositoryInfo {
		$CIFSRepositoryInfo = [Veeam.Backup.Core.CCifsRepository]::FindByRepository("$RepositoryID") 
		return $CIFSRepositoryInfo

function Get-RepositoryTypeAndInfo {
	If($RepositoryToCheck.Type -eq "LinuxLocal"){
		$RepoInfo = Get-LinuxRepositoryInfo -RepositoryID $RepositoryToCheck.id
	} elseif ($RepositoryToCheck.Type -eq "CifsShare") {
		$RepoInfo = Get-CIFSRepositoryInfo -RepositoryID $RepositoryToCheck.id
	} elseif ($RepositoryToCheck.Type -eq "WinLocal"){
		$RepoInfo = Get-WindowsRepositoryInfo -RepositoryID $RepositoryToCheck.id
	$RepositoryData += (Show-IsFastClonePossibleandClusterSize -BackupRepositoryInfo $RepoInfo)
	return	$RepositoryData

function Show-IsFastClonePossibleandClusterSize {
		$RepositoryInformation = [ordered]@{
			RepositoryName = $RepositoryToCheck.Name
			RepositoryType = $RepositoryToCheck.Type
			FastClonePossible = ($BackupRepositoryInfo.IsVirtualSyntheticEnabled -and $BackupRepositoryInfo.IsVirtualSyntheticAvailable)
			RepoClusterSize = $BackupRepositoryInfo.ClusterSize
			IsDedupEnabledWinOnly = $BackupRepositoryInfo.IsDedupEnabled
		return $RepositoryInformation
Note I do something a bit dirty here in the last method (it was due to inexperience at the time...same with the strings for the first functions) and I rely on the $RepositoryToCheck variable being live in memory. You'll call Get-RepositoryTypeAndInfo and save the return value, then pass that to Show-IsFastClonePossibleandClusterSize. The first 3 functions are needed to make the Get-RepositoryTypeAndInfo function work.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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Re: FastClone on ReFS repository

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post


Thanks for your answer.

This is my result with your help :

Code: Select all

$RepositoryReq = Get-VBRBackupRepository
foreach ($element in $RepositoryReq)
    #FastClone windows
    $FastCloneWin=[Veeam.Backup.Core.CWindowsRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsRefsSyntheticAvailable -and [Veeam.Backup.Core.CWindowsRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsRefsSyntheticEnabled
    #FastClone linux
    $FastCloneLin=[Veeam.Backup.Core.CLinuxRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsVirtualSyntheticAvailable -and [Veeam.Backup.Core.CLinuxRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsVirtualSyntheticEnabled

        Name = $element.name
        FastClone = $FastCloneWin -or $FastCloneLin
And my entire function :

Code: Select all

function Get-VeeamRepository
    Write-host "Repository"
    $RepositoryReq = Get-VBRBackupRepository
    foreach ($element in $RepositoryReq)
        $Server = Get-VBRServer | Where-Object {$_.id -eq $element.HostId}
        $gateway = "<N/A>"  
        $credentials = "<N/A>"  
        $Immutability = "<N/A>" 
        $hostname = "<N/A>" 

        if ($null -ne $Server) 
            $hostname = $Server.name.split(".")[0]
        $gateway =  if ($element.HostId.guid -eq "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") 
                        $req=(Get-VBRServer | Where-Object {$_.id -eq (Get-VBRBackupRepository -name $element.name).hostid}).name
                        if($req -ne $element.Host.name)
        $credentials = if( $element.TypeDisplay -eq "SMB") {(Get-VBRCredentials | Where-Object {$_.id -eq (Get-VBRBackupRepository -name $element.name).ShareCredsId.guid}).name}
        #FastClone windows
        $FastCloneWin=[Veeam.Backup.Core.CWindowsRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsRefsSyntheticAvailable -and [Veeam.Backup.Core.CWindowsRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsRefsSyntheticEnabled
        #FastClone linux
        $FastCloneLin=[Veeam.Backup.Core.CLinuxRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsVirtualSyntheticAvailable -and [Veeam.Backup.Core.CLinuxRepository]::FindByRepository($element.id).IsVirtualSyntheticEnabled

        $Immutability = if ($element.GetImmutabilitySettings().IsEnabled -eq $true)

            Name = $element.name
            Host = $hostname
            Path = $element.Friendlypath
            Type = $element.Type
            Capacity = $element.GetContainer().CachedTotalSpace.InBytes / 1GB -as [int]
            FreeSpace = $element.GetContainer().CachedFreeSpace.InBytes / 1GB -as [int]
            Credentials = $credentials
            Gateway = $gateway
            MaxTasks = $element.Options.MaxTaskCount
            "DataRate(MB/s)" = $element.Options.CombinedDataRateLimit
            ProxyAffinityAutoDetect = $element.Options.IsAutoDetectAffinityProxies
            UseNfs =  $element.UseNfsOnMountHost
            MountServer = (Get-VBRServer | Where-Object {$_.id -eq $element.MountHostId}).name
            RotatedDriveRepository = $element.IsRotatedDriveRepository
            PerVmChain = $element.Options.OneBackupFilePerVm
            Uncompress = $element.Options.uncompress
            OptimizeBlockAlign = $element.Options.OptimizeBlockAlign
            FastClone = $FastCloneWin -or $FastCloneLin
            Immutability = $Immutability
    Write-host "-------------------"

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