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SureBackup from Nimble Snapshot Bug?

Post by APerkins182 »


I am working with a customer on Case # 05311477

We are doing a simple application group of two domain controllers and 1 app server.

The Surebackup job is using a single host virtual lab. We opened the case originally as we had issues mapping Production network to the Virtual lab network which we resolved was simple misconfiguration on our part.

However we now see that when we assign the Roles to the domain controller server for (Domain Controller, DNS Server, & Global Catalog) the VM testing never makes it past the VM Power on Phase. The VM being tested DOES power up in vcenter, and we are able to Ping the VM and Query the Ports from VBR server on the masquerade IPs as well as RDP into the machines. We found out if we only select the DNS Server Role, the Sure Backup job succeeds with no issues. Could this be a bug which causes the Power On step to timeout & fail when selecting more than one, or any reason why this particular combination of roles would not work? (I have not tested other combinations yet -- just DNS only or no roles with success).

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Re: SureBackup from Nimble Snapshot Bug?

Post by HannesK »

a simple application group of two domain controllers
well, domain controllers are a challenging thing to test and more "advanced" that it might sound :-)
Could this be a bug
could, but unlikely from my point of view. That code is in production since many years... but let's see what support finds out. My guess is, that it is something on the Domain Controller side (or again misconfiguration with authoritative restore vs. non-authoritative restore with two DCs that can see each other)

Best regards,
Andreas Neufert
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Re: SureBackup from Nimble Snapshot Bug?

Post by Andreas Neufert » 1 person likes this post

In general maybe SureBackup does exactly it´s job and show you that something would go wrong when you restore this specific server. It is the whole point of SureBackup.

A bit more explanation:
- When you select the GC and Domain role in SureBackup, the boot time and wait times are extended dramatically as depending software configuration it can take a longer time until a system comes up in the specific needed domain recovery mode ( non-authoritative restore mode). You can check the boot time in the advanced options. So you can see how long you need to "wait".
- Veeam will restart the server multiple time to bring the system in non-authoritative restore mode. If you open the console and click to it, then this process gets interrupted. Do not open the console until SureBackup shows that the VM was correctly tested.
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