I am finally getting around to trying to use powershell to push out agent install and creating iso but I am running into an issue with trying to pass arguments using Start-Process.
The $strLocalFile is set to where the agent exe is. When I try to run the code below via Visual Studio Code there is a popup window for the veeam agent install, which the /silent it suppose to handle.
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$veeamInstallArgumentList = @('/silent', '/accepteula', '/acceptthirdpartylicenses')
Start-Process -Wait -verb runas -FilePath $strLocalFile -ArgumentList $veeamInstallArgumentList -PassThru -NoNewWindow
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C:\utility\VeeamAgentWindows_5.0.3.4708.exe /silent /accepteula /acceptthirdpartylicenses
Code: Select all
Start-Process -Wait -verb runas -FilePath $strLocalFile -ArgumentList /silent', '/accepteula', '/acceptthirdpartylicenses' -PassThru -NoNewWindow
First time trying to do the install via powershell, so any help would be greatful!