I am in the process of adding the agent backup job configuration to the Asbuiltreport.Veeam.VBR report.
I run into the situation that when I create a job with the backup mode configuration as volume level backup by specifying the object as "OS Volume" I don't see that content when I try to access it through powershell.
Code: Select all
PS C:\Users\jocolon> Get-VBRComputerBackupJob -Name "Gurabo PC - Backup Job"
Id : cc087b1f-629d-4890-ab02-30c6cba80e11
Name : Gurabo PC - Backup Job
Description : Created by PHARMAX\administrator at 4/28/2022 3:19 PM.
OSPlatform : Windows
Type : Workstation
Mode : ManagedByAgent
BackupObject : {Gurabo PC - Backup, HQ - Manual Packet}
BackupType : SelectedVolumes
SelectedFilesOptions :
SelectedVolumes : {}
ExcludedVolumes :
PS C:\Users\jocolon>
thanks for your help