We're currently using a PowerShell script that restores a specific SQL DB to another server. This has been working fine when we've only needed the nightly backup but we'd like to do another copy at midday.
Restore works, however it only restores data from the previous night's backup job. Is there a way to restore using the latest point in time like you can in the GUI using transaction logs?
Try the -PointInTime parameter here. I haven't done this in awhile, but I believe the Get-VESQLDatabaseRestoreInterval will return available Point in Time restores points (read: transaction logs) and then when you include the -PointInTime flag, it should try to do just that. What are the intervals returned by your variable for that btw? Do you see the desired interval?
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
Hrm, to confirm, are Transaction Log backups enabled on the backup? I might be wrong on this functionality and need to check it, but can you confirm that please?
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst