"Get-VBRRestorepoint -name vmname" takes nearly 2 minutes to run. This is on a VBR server that has little load on it during the middle of the day on Sunday. The environment is pretty big, a lot of jobs, and a lot of servers and restore points but the server and SQL database (running external) is not busy at all at 2pm on a Sunday.
The following code, which gets the backup sizes for all the vm's of one customer (15 vm's) takes 30 minutes to run:
Code: Select all
$total = 0
foreach ($vm in $vmlist){
$bkupsize = ((Get-VBRRestorePoint -name $vm.name).getstorage().stats.backupsize |Measure-Object -sum).sum/1GB
write-host $vm.name,$bkupsize -ForegroundColor Yellow
$total += $bkupsize
write-host "Total: ",$total -ForegroundColor Yellow