Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Full Name: Lucas pinto teixeira

Installing and configuring Veeam backup

Post by lucasteixeira »

Installing and configuring Veeam backup

Let's say I have 2 ESXI hosts, 1 Veeam host, and another free host.

What would be the best scenario:

Option 1: Install Windows and within it, "Veeam backup", saving the backups on your local disks.

Option 2: Install windows and within it, the "Veeam backup", saving the data on the other server that was free and will now be a samba file server?

Option 3: Install windows and within it, the "Veeam backup", saving the data on the other server that was free and will now be a "TrueNAS/FreeNAS" NAS server.

What would be the most recommended form by Veeam for a small scenario of up to 10 Jobs.
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Re: Installing and configuring Veeam backup

Post by PetrM »

Hi Lucas and Welcome to Veeam R&D Forums!

Not sure that we have enough information about your free host but anyway the option 1 seems to be the best one, especially considering that the data write will be performed by the target Data Mover directly to the local disks (here you can find more info about backup workflow), thus we exclude extra network interaction over SMB/NFS.

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