Disaster recovery orchestration for the Enterprise (formerly Veeam Availability Orchestrator)
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VDRO summary report

Post by TWuser »

Is there a summary report available for VDRO?

I know each Orchestration plan has a report for itself available, but I'm looking for a summary of all plans.
I'd like to get all plans on a recurring test schedule, and need a summary that we can share with our department and management.

I was hoping something was at least available in VeeamOne, but "Verified VM's" was the only one that looked close, and I get 0 VM's when running that report.

The only other place I can see is the dashboard has a "Plan Testing" pie graph that could be printscreened but that's it.

Alec King
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Re: VDRO summary report

Post by Alec King »

There is (as yet) no single report that shows the status of all plans in VRO, although if you save reports as .DOC format it is relatively easy to merge them into a single document.
We do have plans for more high-level reports in future versions.

However for the moment, you can take a screenshot of the dashboard to include in your own report/email. If you still have the 'pie charts' then you must be on version 4 or earlier? Please check out the latest dashboard in v6, which shows the results of all executions, tests & checks in a new widget, and also adds RTO and RPO tracking.

Your feature request for the high-level Summary report is noted, thanks for the feedback!
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Re: VDRO summary report

Post by TWuser »

Thanks, good to know, definitely a requested feature. Our management is luckily on board with being prepared using Orchestrator, but without some decent high-level reports, I don't have much to share with them. Running version currently.
Veeam Software
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Re: VDRO summary report

Post by sherzig » 1 person likes this post

Hi @TWuser ,

this Powershell script grabs information via the VRO RestAPI and creates a HTML report that includes information such as name, plan type, state, last test time, last test result, last check time, and last check result. The report can be customized.

https://github.com/yetanothermightytool ... planstatus

Maybe this is useful for you.

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Re: VDRO summary report

Post by TWuser »

Thanks Steve - that was pretty useful actually. You have a nice collection of scripts there.

I'm not much of a programmer, but was able to color code the Test Result column and, deleted the Check columns and added RTO/RPO columns.
I may try to schedule it to run daily and have it send me a copy via email.

I will likely also color code the "Last Test Time", RTO, and RPO columns with orange/red/green based on whatever thresholds we decide.

This gives me a single table summarizing a dozen plans, whereas the canned Veeam reports were 8 pages PER plan, for just the summary of a small plan.
The extended report was 80 pages. A larger plan's extended report was 134 pages! Useful for burying the insurance company in paperwork, but not something my manager wants to read, let alone his boss's boss.
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