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Feature Request - Per item options in realtime

Post by TitaniumCoder477 »

When a job is running, I would like to right-click a particular asset in the job progress window and have a menu appear that provides options like the following:

Pause backup
Stop backup
Skip throttling
Prioritize backup


Basically, the ability to interact more granularily in realtime with assets being protected by a job. Case and point, the skip throttling would have been super useful just now. I ran an active full backup of a single endpoint. Throttling kicked in, but I wished to skip throttling for it just this once, to expedite the backup. To accomplish this, I would have had to remove throttling at the global level and then add it back. Would have been super useful to just right-click the asset backing up in realtime and select "Skip throttling" etc.
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Re: Feature Request - Per item options in realtime

Post by BackupBytesTim »

I can also say that would be useful, particularly in my case for anytime when the limit on how many objects/devices can be backed up simultaneously for a single customer is what's preventing a job from continuing, which is specifically in regards to Cloud Connect backups.
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