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Full Name: Tomas Cink

Upgrading Backup Chain Formats pending

Post by tomascink »

Hello, I would like to ask if there is option how to detect Backups for which "Upgrade backup chain format" was not triggered? We monitor VBR instances through powershell script so we are looking for way how to detect it through powershell. I thought that it could be cmdlet Get-VBRBackup and "IsTruePerVmContainer" variable but there are some backups for which it is 'false' and chain format was already upgraded.


It is not about imported backups. It is just an example. It is mainly after upreade from VBR V11 --> V12.

Thank you.
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Re: Upgrading Backup Chain Formats pending

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

Your assumption is right and I found a code sniplet that converts backup chains with the IsTruePerVmContainer that you mention. If you say that the output is wrong, then I suggest to contact support and check why that happens. Please post the case number for reference.

Code: Select all

$Backups = Get-VbrBackup | Where-Object {$_.IsTruePerVmContainer -eq $False}
foreach ($Backup in $Backups)
         Upgrade-VBRBackup -Backup $Backup
Best regards,
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