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Feature Request: Simplifying Custom Script Testing in Sure Backup

Post by simonw2 »


I'm not sure if this topic has already been discussed, so please feel free to delete my post if it has.

I've been using Sure Backup for a few weeks now and I'm working on finalizing some custom scripts to receive notifications when jobs are completed correctly (or not). The testing process for these scripts is relatively straightforward: I start a Sure Backup job and leave the VM running. However, there's a complication when it comes to remote commands integrated into these custom scripts. Currently, Veeam uses the Local System User to initiate the script, which can be problematic for scripts involving remote commands. As a result, I find myself having to restart my Sure Backup Session every time I want to test out this script because some variables aren't functioning properly.

Would it be possible to add a "Restart Custom Script" button within the Session overview? This small addition could greatly facilitate the testing of custom scripts.
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Re: Feature Request: Simplifying Custom Script Testing in Sure Backup

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

For better understanding... could you maybe describe an example scenario where you have issues with variables? Which variables?

And just an idea: did you try running the Veeam Backup Service as named user? That might solve the "LOCAL SYSTEM" challenge depending on the root cause of the problem.

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Re: Feature Request: Simplifying Custom Script Testing in Sure Backup

Post by simonw2 »

Hey Hannes,

thank you for the quick answer.

I have written a script which remotely accesses the vms. Among other things ip and hostname as well as services etc. are read out. So that I do not have to write and change a new script for each vm, I use variables to be able to use a script for all vms. This can cause minor errors in the test phase.
Yes I could of course start a Powershell Console with "local system rights" and execute this from there or also restart the service with another user.
Optimal would be however if one could execute this in Sure Backup directly again. This way the variables %ip_vm% and %fqdn_vm" are used and passed repeatedly. Can I send you a small screenshot mockup?
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Re: Feature Request: Simplifying Custom Script Testing in Sure Backup

Post by HannesK »

you can add a screenshot to the forums by using the [img] tags and host it somewhere (I use in my posts) if you like. Then we can see how many other customers think that's useful (I cannot remember such a request from the past)

Best regards,
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Full Name: Simon Wewers

Re: Feature Request: Simplifying Custom Script Testing in Sure Backup

Post by simonw2 »

Hey Hannes,
I created a little Screenshot-Mockup. I hope you are able to see this:
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