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Veeam agent fails to deploy on Linux via B&R server

Post by steamingPeople »

Case id #03233272

I've ran into an interesting issue on a Debian server one of our customers developers set up. When deploying the Veeam agent via B&R I would get some weird connectivity errors and the scan would fail. Upon reviewing the logs from the Debian box I found that the Veeam services were trying to whitelist the required ports in iptables and were failing (why isn't relevant for the question).
Combing through the logs I found that there is a services config file we can use to configure the services not to attempt to whitelist the ports in iptables, once the options were turned off the services started successfully and scan and install succeeded.

veeamdeployment service config path and modified values

Code: Select all

IptablesAutoupdate = no
AutoOpenPortsEnabled = no
veeamtransport service config path and modified values

Code: Select all

Now to my question: I saw in the B&R rescan log files that the B&R server runs configuration options for the services before starting them up. Is there a way to have B&R also automatically configure the agents with the above options?
Veeam Software
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Re: Veeam agent fails to deploy on Linux via B&R server

Post by rovshan.pashayev »


Please include correct case number in the topic for clarity and follow-up.

Rovshan Pashayev
Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris
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Re: Veeam agent fails to deploy on Linux via B&R server

Post by steamingPeople »

Whooops. My apologies.

Correct case id: 07064719
Veeam Software
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Re: Veeam agent fails to deploy on Linux via B&R server

Post by rovshan.pashayev »


On the backup server (VBR) you can set the following DWORD (Registry Editor):

LinuxAutoOpenPorts = 0

Under the key path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication
Which will cause agent configuration change during deployment:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# cat /opt/veeam/deployment/VeeamDeploymentConfig | grep AutoOpenPortsEnabled
AutoOpenPortsEnabled = no

root@debian:~# cat /opt/veeam/transport/VeeamTransportConfig | grep LocalLinuxAutoOpenPortsOnThisHost
Rovshan Pashayev
Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris
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