Veeam Support - Case # 07068336 - Crash-consistent snapshot of vm has been created. Failed to deploy the Windows VSS agent
We have some Azure VM machines that has SQL Server installed inside those machines. We run snaps/backups with the feature "application aware snapshots" enabled on those SQL machines.
The application aware snapshots were working correctly until the Azure Defender Cloud extension was enabled, the Azure defender for SQL service was enabled on the SQL servers, after which the consistent snapshots began to flag the following warning:
On the Veeam Azure logs extract shows the following:Crash-consistent snapshot of VM has been created. Failed to deploy the Windows VSS agent
The snaps works from time to time, when the consistent snap works it take 1 hr 51 mins to complete and the posterior snaps ends with the warning Crash-consistent snapshot of VM has been created. Failed to deploy the Windows VSS agent.[04.01.2024 17:19:16.411] 79 (1) Unable to run PowerShell script, another is already in progress (code: 'Conflict', message: 'Run command extension execution is in progress. Please wait for completion before invoking a run command.', VM
We have tried disabling Azure defender for SQL service but problem persist
Any ideas?
Best regards