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Re: Linux agent on debian

Post by RandomTrooper » 1 person likes this post

rovshan.pashayev wrote: May 06, 2024 5:14 pm Hello,

After reboot, did you run these steps: ... olling-mok ?

If not, run mokutil command & reboot, so you get to that step again.
Thanks. That link helped. I realized my problem is that I run this machine via SSH and that won't work with the reboot cycle. After I rounded up a keyboard and monitor, I attached directly to my server, and re-entered the MOK command, rebooted, and caught the MOK enrollment screen. Backup is running now.
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Re: Linux agent on debian

Post by matteu »

Did you install veeam agent manually or from protection group on veeam server ?
Veeam Software
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Re: Linux agent on debian

Post by rovshan.pashayev »

Hello Matteu,

Follow these steps to install and configure VAL on Debian 11 with Secure Boot enabled.

1. Install prerequisites:

Code: Select all

apt-get install dkms
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
2. Download veeam packages from repository into /(root) directory and install them:

Code: Select all

apt-get install ./veeamsnap_6.1.0.1498_all.deb 
apt-get install ./veeam-libs_6.1.0.1498_amd64.deb 
apt-get install ./veeam_6.1.0.1498_amd64.deb
3. Create a configuration file for generating the key pair, for example signing_key.conf, you will need adjust it according to your organization:

Code: Select all

cat > signing_key.conf << EOF
[ req ]
default_bits = 4096
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
encrypt_key = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
CN = Your Name Kernel Module Signing
4. Generate Private Key and Certificate:

Code: Select all

openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -days 36500 -batch -x509 -config signing_key.conf -outform PEM -out signing_key.pem -keyout signing_key.pem
openssl x509 -in signing_key.pem -outform DER -out signing_key.der
5. Sign the Kernel Module:

Code: Select all

/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file sha256 signing_key.pem signing_key.der $(modinfo veeamsnap -n)
6. Enroll the certificate:

Code: Select all

mokutil --import signing_key.der
7. Reboot your system and follow steps as in ... olling-mok

8. After reboot load the module:

Code: Select all

modprobe veeamsnap
9. Configure backup job and start it.

Even after reboots, jobs should run successfully.
Make sure the private key (signing_key.pem) is stored securely.
Note that these steps are assuming that you run all commands as root user.
Rovshan Pashayev
Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris
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