I'm getting a bit of weir behavior when trying to delete a public mailbox from a VBM365 repository. When i deleted the object via " Remove-VBOEntityData -Repository $VBMRepository -User $ObjItem -Mailbox"
Tried it on our latest (7a P20240418) and it works as expected - all the data is removed with no issues.
If you're running an earlier version, I'd recommend you upgrade to the latest patch, and if the problem remains, please open a call with our support and let our engineers troubleshoot it.
Found the issue why it wasn't removing on my part, in my script it only marks items to be removed if there is anything backedup for the user. But because "Get-VBOEntityData -Type User -Repository $VBMRepository | Where-Object {$_.Organization -like $OrganizationName}" only gave back the user and all is*backuped where returning false, my script didn't delete it.
Manually removing this with "Remove-VBOEntityData -Repository $VBMRepository -User $($VBMUserObjects) -Mailbox" worked and now nothing is returned.
Im guessing a customer of us tried to backup a public mailbox, couldn't do it because misconfiguration or changed his mind and never completed a backuprun.
Veeam then started the backup of that object but never marked it completed thus kept all is*backedup as false.
Maybe this is something you can check in future versions? I know this is a real edge case.
It's an edge case indeed, and I should be honest - the behavior will hardly change in the future. To me, there's no issue on the product side. There will always be cases where some objects do not get a restore point because of processing failures - in such a case an object cannot be considered protected but some of its parts could have been already saved to a repository before a failure occurred. In addition to that, the isBackedUp state (IIRC) is assigned to an object with at least one restore point during the last 31 days; otherwise the BackedUp state is removed.
You had me worried there with your remark about the 1 month mark. However I guess this behavior changed over time, I checked a very old tenant that hasn't been backed up in ages and it still returns as true.
I'm guessing its based on the property last backed-up time.
I understand if this behavior wouldn't change, ill adjust my script to work around it