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FAS2750 CIFS backup

Post by mporliod »

I have a NetApp storage used as a file server. What is the best method to back up its content using Veeam? Is it better to use the native management of NetApp snapshots integrated with Veeam or configure a NAS backup job? What are the main differences between these two methods?
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Re: FAS2750 CIFS backup

Post by david.domask »

Hi mporliod,

I think Unstructured Backup jobs are probably the way to go as they'll offer more options for meeting 3-2-1 rule with your backups.

Unstructured Data Backup

Add the shares directly as SMB (CIFS) or add the Netapp as a filer, and perform backups using an Unstructured Backup job. These jobs can have secondary targets for an additional backup copy, as well as archival copies, and the primary backups can further be moved to additional secondary locations via additional copies and also tape-out

While native snapshot management can work, you're limited in the flexibility for restores and for 3-2-1 with your backups. The main difference with using Veeam is more control over the backup itself and flexibility with having copies -- losing the netapp or losing one of the storage locations where you have copies of your backup isn't as big of a deal if you configure additional copies.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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