I am struggling to get the Azure File share I have configured protected by VBA 7.
When I want to add the File Shares I have created inside a Storage Account I simply do not see them. When I want to select the entire SA I get this UI error:
After combing though the logs I've found this error:Unexpected error occurred
Check service logs for additional details
Trace ID: 2c5ac121-6eb9-4e98-88ab-7314cf980e27
Code: Select all
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.901] Error 63 (1) Type: Azure.RequestFailedException
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.901] Error 63 (1) Stack:
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.901] Error 63 (1) at Azure.ResourceManager.Storage.BlobServicesRestOperations.GetServicePropertiesAsync(String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, String accountName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.901] Error 63 (1) at Azure.ResourceManager.Storage.BlobServiceResource.GetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.901] Error 63 (1) at Veeam.Azure.Engine.AzureEngine.Storage.StorageBlobManager.IsVersioningForBlobEnabledInternal(BlobServiceResource armBlobService, Boolean acceptRequestFailedException, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.901] Error 63 (1) Code: FeatureNotSupportedForAccount
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.904] Error 63 (1) Error: An exception occurred at /api/v7/cloudInfrastructure/storageAccounts/(redacted), trace ID: 1dc5821c-fc0a-45cd-9784-f096c54e1754
[17.01.2025 16:57:53.904] Error 63 (1) Error: Blob is not supported for the account.
Status: 400 (Bad Request)
ErrorCode: FeatureNotSupportedForAccount
{"error":{"code":"FeatureNotSupportedForAccount","message":"Blob is not supported for the account."}}
This is not related to VBA, but the only list of supported Sku's I can find.
The SA I have configured is:
Performance: Premium
Replication: Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
Account kind: FileStorage
When I want to add Storage Accounts and File Shares from an SA configured with Account Kind General Purpose 2 it works fine.
Any advice?