I have just upgraded from 5 to 6.1. I backup to a removable drive. The last backup job now always gives a warning, "xxx is getting low on free disk space"
The removable drives will always only have a little bit of space left. Is there a registry setting that will change this so I don't get the warning ?
I only want green ... not yellow or red
Curious to know?
What are the threshold values for a warning on repositories?
And, can they be changed? registry or in the program?
I have regular warnings.
In my instance at the moment I'm getting:-
Backup location "J:\" is getting low on free disk space (934.0 GB left of 13.0 TB).
Backup location "K:\" is getting low on free disk space (879.4 GB left of 9.0 TB).
Is it 10%, if so that would mean 1.3TB on J:\ would give me a warning. Thats a lot to have hanging around just not to get a warning.
Feature Request: Thresholds for individual Repositories.
I now have a 14TB (J: added +1TB) repository for all my Windows 2008 servers. And I suspected of course. Still, warnings within my emails. Must be 10% threshold.?
Backup location "J:\" is getting low on free disk space (1.2 TB left of 14.0 TB).
1.2TB low value for disk free space? Some folks may have repositories this size.
OK in the relation to what I am backing up - maybe not. But would be great to control this like in vspheres alarms
Alerts and Notifications can be a great asset to a already great product.
It is a bit clinical to have clean warning free status reports, but at the expense of such wasted space.
Surely there is a DB setting for this one or registry entry as we suffer the same painful emails when there is clearly enough space.
Problem is it dulls the senses and backup emails become noise and are no longer attended to.
If GB is to difficult at least allow tuning to the nearest %
If you want to get fancy veeam could work out whether the next scheduled job on that Repository will be able to run and complete based on expected backup size